Static Health

StackState Self-hosted v5.0.x

This page describes StackState version 5.0.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


The Static Health integration is used to visualize static health information in StackState by reading from CSV files. The health consists of check states.

Static Health is a StackState curated integration.



To set up the Static Health integration you will need to have:

  • StackState Agent V2 installed on a machine that can connect to StackState.


To configure the StackState Agent to read CSV health files:

  1. Edit the Agent integration configuration file /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/static_health.d/conf.yaml to include the following details:

    • type - set to csv for parsing CSV typed files.

    • health_file - the absolute path to the CSV file containing health state information.

    • delimiter - the delimiter used in the CSV file.

      - type: csv
       health_file: /path/to/health.csv
       delimiter: ';'
  2. Restart the StackState Agent(s) to apply the configuration changes.

  3. Once the Agent has restarted, wait for the Agent to collect data from the specified health CSV file and send it to StackState.

The configured collection_interval will be used as the repeat_interval for the health synchronization. Make sure that the value set for the the collection_interval matches the time that the check will take to run.

CSV file format


Static health is read from a CSV file with a header row, that specifies the fields that are included in the file. The available fields are listed in the table below.

check_1,Example check,critical,urn:component/some_component,Something went wrong
check_2,Another example check,clear,urn:component/some_component,This is going well


The delimiter used in the CSV file can be specified when you configure the Static Health check on the StackState Agent.

See also

Last updated