Custom Secret Management


The stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent (starting from version 1.0.79) supports specifying the name of a custom secret that contains the API key and cluster authorization token. This feature is useful for users who wish to manage their own secrets and avoid the automatic creation of secrets by the Helm chart.

Regarding the Helm Chart

Configuration Options

  • stackstate.manageOwnSecrets: A boolean flag that determines whether the user wishes to manage their own secrets. Default value is false.

  • stackstate.customSecretName: (Optional) Name of the custom secret to be created by the user. Required if stackstate.manageOwnSecrets is set to true.

  • stackstate.customApiKeySecretKey: (Optional) Key name for the API key within the custom secret. Required if stackstate.manageOwnSecrets is set to true.

  • stackstate.customClusterAuthTokenSecretKey: (Optional) Key name for the cluster authorization token within the custom secret. Required if stackstate.manageOwnSecrets is set to true.

Behavior Description

  • Automatic Secret Creation: By default, the chart continues to automatically create secrets as before if stackstate.manageOwnSecrets is set to false.

  • Custom Secret Management: If stackstate.manageOwnSecrets is set to true, the chart expects the user to provide the name of the custom secret (stackstate.customSecretName) along with the keys for the API key and authorization token (stackstate.customApiKeySecretKey and stackstate.customClusterAuthTokenSecretKey, respectively).

  • Implied Omission: When specifying that you would like to manage your own secrets, the chart will ignore values for stackstate.apiKey and stackstate.cluster.authToken.

How to Use in values.yaml

  1. Using Automatic Secret Creation (Default):

      manageOwnSecrets: false
      apiKey: "<your api key>"
  2. Managing Own Secrets:

      manageOwnSecrets: true
      customSecretName: my-custom-secret
      customApiKeySecretKey: api-key
      customClusterAuthTokenSecretKey: auth-token

Last updated