Topology Identifiers
SUSE Observability
Identifiers are used in SUSE Observability to identify objects, such as topology elements (components and relations) and functions. This page describes the different types of identifiers used for topology elements and how global scope identifiers are structured in SUSE Observability.
Topology identifiers
Topology elements use two types of identifiers in SUSE Observability:
Integration scope identifiers - used for identifying components and relations within an integration. Each component or relation has only one integration scope identifier. The identifier is arbitrary, but must be consistent within the scope of the integration itself.
Global scope identifiers - used for merging components between integrations, for example ServiceNow and the SUSE Observability Agent. Each component can have multiple global scope identifiers, while relations don't have any global identifiers. They're assigned by SUSE Observability and formatted in accordance with the SUSE Observability global identifier convention.
The code sample below shows a component with both types of identifiers.
Integration scope identifier -
Global scope identifier -
SUSE Observability Agent identifiers
The global scope identifiers used by the SUSE Observability Agent to identify synchronized topology elements are listed in the table below.
Service discovered with traces
Service instance discovered with traces
See the example URN global scope identifiers from the SUSE Observability Agent.
Global scope identifiers
When SUSE Observability receives components with matching global scope identifiers from different external sources, the components and their properties (labels, streams, checks) are merged into a single component. This makes it possible to combine data from different sources into a single picture of an IT landscape.
Global scope identifiers in SUSE Observability are a globally unique URN that matches the following convention:
Note that not all characters are allowed in a URN identifier. You can check your identifiers with the following URN regex:
The format of the <prefix>
and <type-name>:<free-form>
segments are described below.
The prefix
segment is a required part of a global identifier. It names the scope that the identifier belongs to and is used purely for organizational purposes.
When the prefix includes a StackPack name, the object will be under the control of that StackPack. This means that the object will be uninstalled when the StackPack is uninstalled.
Recognized URN prefixes are:
- objects belonging to StackPacks.stackpack:<name>:shared
- objects shared between instances of a StackPack.stackpack:<name>:instance:{{instanceId}}
- objects belonging to a specific instance of a StackPack, where{{instanceId}}
is a handlebar that returns the ID provided during the StackPack installation process for each specific instance of the StackPack.system:auto
- objects created by the system that don't belong to any specific StackPacks.
Type-name and free-form
The identifier is uniquely identified by the <type-name>:<free-form>
matches the domain object type of the object that the identifier is assigned to (not case-sensitive).<free-form>
is arbitrary, but must be unique for the type. The format of the free-form segment is decided by the user. It doesn't need to match the name of the object (if any is present) and can itself consist of multiple segments.
Example identifiers
Common StackPack
Example URN global scope identifiers from the common StackPack. The objects will be uninstalled when the common StackPack is uninstalled.
Component type server:
SUSE Observability Agent
Example URN global scope identifiers from the SUSE Observability Agent.
Service discovered with traces:
Service instance discovered with traces:
Other StackPacks
Example URN global scope identifiers from various StackPacks. The objects will be uninstalled when the named StackPack is uninstalled.
Check function AWS Event Run State shared across AWS StackPack instances:
Component type cmdb_ci_netgear in the ServiceNow StackPack:
Last updated