Role-based Access Control

StackState Self-hosted

Access Management helps you manage who has access to the specific topology elements, UI elements, and which APIs they can call.

RBAC is an authorization system that provides fine-grained access management of StackState resources, a clean and easy way to audit user privileges and to fix identified issues with access rights.

What can I do with RBAC?

Here are some examples of what you can do with RBAC:

  • Allow one user to have access to the development cluster only, another one to both the production and development cluster and a third can access the development cluster and only 1 namespace in the production cluster.

  • Give a small group of users an administrator role to setup and configure StackState. While giving all developers a troubleshooter role to view all topology, metrics, logs and events, but with limited configuration capability.

What's a role in StackState?

A role in StackState is a combination of a configured subject and a set of permissions. Process of setting up a role in StackState is described in How to set up roles.

More on RBAC configuration

Last updated