About instrumentations

StackState Self-hosted v5.0.x

This page describes StackState version 5.0.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


To understand what OpenTelemetry instrumentation is, we first need to understand the concept of distributed tracing, how a trace looks and what the content of a trace contains. As a side note, If you are unfamiliar with OpenTelemetry you can visit their docs page What is OpenTelemetry? (opentelemetry.io) to get more information about OpenTelemetry and what it is.

Distributed traces

Distributed tracing is a way of tracking code or application requests as it flows through the system as a whole. Things like latency, errors, success statuses, and more can be tracked and monitored. All the timed operations and data mentioned above will be captured and grouped within separate spans. Below is an example of a Trace that contains two spans, one Lambda parent span, and one SNS child span. (Parent and child span definitions will be explained a bit further down inside this documentation)

Distributed Trace Sample

The above is a snippet of the Traces Perspective within StackState.


A span represents each unit of work that has been done within the lifespan of the trace. A request's whole lifecycle, from creation to fulfillment, is represented by a trace.

For example, in the trace captured below, three time operations occurred.

The first was the Lambda that we monitored with OpenTelemetry, as seen in the screenshot below; this is the parent span.

Distributed Trace Parent Span

The second interaction inside the Lambda script was with an SQS Queue

Distributed Trace Child Span

And the last interaction before the Trace is completed is another interaction with a second SQS Queue.

Distributed Trace Second Child Span

As you can see from the above, within this trace context, it had three span timed operations; thus, spans is a tree of timed operations that make up a trace.

A span can be one of two types, a parent span or a child span. It can not be both, and if it is a child span, then there should be a pre-existing parent span that it can be linked to.

A span works with the concept that you open a span and then close it when it reaches a certain point in your code. This will then determine the duration of your span and, eventually, your trace.

Parent span

  • A parent span, also referred to as a root span, contains the end-to-end latency of an entire request.

  • For example, if we execute a Lambda script, The script execution will be created as the parent span. All the other things monitored and executed inside this Lambda will be captured as children span.

  • The parent span should be the last span you close. This is usually either at the end of your script execution or after you close your last child span

  • A parent span does not require a child span; it can be standalone if it is not a part of anything.

Child span

  • A child span is started by a parent span and might involve calling a function, the database, another service, etc. In the example mentioned above, a child span may be a function that determines if the item is accessible. Child spans offer insight into every element of a request.

  • If we take the same example as above where the parent span is a Lambda script, then the children spans will be the SQS, SNS, etc. requests that happen inside the Lambda script.

If we combine the trace and span concept, you have a complete and working trace.

The above will look as follows:

- Trace
  - Parent Span
    - Child Span
  - Parent Span
    - Child Span
    - Child Span
  - Parent Span
  - Parent Span

A parent span will contain an ID, for example, span-id: id-001. When a child span's created, it can contain a key-value pair that states the following, parent-span: id-001 and its own unique span ID, for example, span-id: id-002.

One thing that makes the structure unique is that this can be a chain of infinite children; for example, the next child can have a parent-ID of a previous child, making it nested even deeper.

For example, below, we have a root parent that has a child, that child has a child, and then that child will have a final child:

Span =>
  spanId: 001 >--------|
Span =>                |
  spanId: 002 >--------|---|
  parentSpanId: 001 <--|   |
Span =>                    |
  spanId: 003 >--------|   |
  parentSpanId: 002 <--|---|
Span =>                |
  spanId: 004          |
  parentSpanId: 003 <--|

As you can see from the above, each following span parent ID has the ID from the previous span.

Why create parent and children spans?

We want to create relations between different span timed operations, how they affect each other, and their relational flow.

You can head over to the manual instrumentation component relations page to get a full breakdown of how StackState relations work, how parent-child spans are shown on StackState, and how relations are created between components and how the health state uses these relations to propagate health.

Span contents

Each span has a context that defines the request it is a part of. Request, error, and duration information from Spans can be utilized to troubleshoot performance and availability problems.

To give your actions additional context, you may also include span characteristics. Key-value pairs called span attributes can be used to give more context to a span about the particular action it records.

OpenTelemetry instrumentation

When OpenTelemetry captures spans, it will fall under an instrumentation. This will be the library identifier that was used to capture the span information, for example instrumentation-http for HTTP status codes and the instrumentation-aws-sdk for capturing AWS calls, will generate a span in two different instrumentations.

In distributed traces

As we mentioned above, a trace contains multiple spans for example:

Trace [
    Span #1 - AWS-SDK Lambda Script Execution
    Span #2 - AWS-SDK S3
    Span #3 - HTTP S3 Request   <Parent Id: Span #2>
    Span #4 - HTTP S3 Response  <Parent Id: Span #2>

As you can see from the above, HTTP and AWS-SDK calls are mixed into one list. With using OpenTelemetry it introduces the instrumentation layer, allowing users to use public OpenTelemetry libraries to capture data and or create your instrumentations using the OpenTelemetry API.

Below is an example of how the trace grouping looks after OpenTelemetry captures data:

Trace [
    AWS-SDK Instrumentation [
        Span #1 AWS-SDK Lambda Script Execution
        Span #2 AWS-SDK S3
    HTTP Instrumentation [
        Span #3 HTTP S3 Request   <Parent Id: Span #2>
        Span #4 HTTP S3 Response  <Parent Id: Span #2>

As you can see, the different types of spans have been grouped under what the library is called that was responsible for extracting the data.

This allows us to capture unique data for a specific type of instrumentation and look for it specifically under that instrumentation name.

Support in StackState

StackState currently supports two types of instrumentations:

Last updated