Push data to StackState from an external system

StackState Self-hosted v5.0.x

This page describes StackState version 5.0.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

This tutorial shows you how to create push-based integrations for StackState.

Push-based integrations are built in python and run as part of the StackState Agent. Each python integration is called a check and it can:

  • retrieve information from external systems

  • convert the information into topology

  • convert the information into telemetry

  • send the data to StackState


This repository contains a sample project that sets up an Agent check called example that sends topology into StackState. It uses docker to run the StackState Agent to execute the check.

Clone the repository to your laptop to get started.

The stackstate.yaml file is the main Agent configuration file. It tells the Agent where to find StackState and what API key to use.

The example check consists of two files:

  • conf.d/example.d/conf.yaml - the check configuration file

  • checks.d/example.py - the check Python code

Prepare StackState

Before you get started, StackState must be configured to handle the data we will be sending from the sample check. The sample check sends data in a format that is consumed by the built-in Custom Synchronization StackPack. After installing this StackPack, StackState will know how to interpret the sample check data and turn it into topology.

Configure the StackPack with the following values so they match with the data the check sends:

Instance type (source identifier): example
Instance URL: example://example-1

Prepare the tutorial

The StackState Agent container uses the root directory of this repository for it's configuration files.

Before running the example, you need to configure the sample project with your StackState instance URL and API key.

export STS_API_KEY=my-api-key
export STS_STS_URL=https://stackstate.acme.com/stsAgent

If you are running the Agent from a container and StackState on your local machine (eg via our Kubernetes helm charts) you can refer the Agent in the docker container to your local StackState:

export STS_STS_URL=https://host.docker.internal/stsAgent

That's it, you are now ready to run the Agent.

Run the sample check using the Agent

The sample project contains a run.sh shell script that runs the StackState Agent in a docker container. It reads the configuration from this sample project and executes the example check.

When you run the Agent, it writes logging to its standard output. The agent has debugging turned on by default (check the stackstate.yaml file) so it is fairly verbose.

Once the check has run successfully, the topology data produced by the example check will be sent to StackState.

Press ctrl-c to stop the agent.

See the topology in StackState

When you log into your StackState instance, go to the Explore Mode. Using the topology filter, select all topology with the example label. This should result in a topology similar to the following:

Note that the components you see are hardcoded in the example agent check. The components appear in the Example domain and Applications and Hosts layers. The check produces two application components that StackState has grouped together. This is shown as a circle icon. Select the group to display the individual components that make up the group in the right panel Selection details tab.

Select a component to display detailed information about it in the right panel Selection details tab. You'll see the component's labels and other metadata that the check sent.

Merge topology

StackState creates a single, unified picture of your IT landscape by ingesting and merging data from multiple sources. If the data your check delivers should be merged with data from other StackPacks, you'll need to configure the components with the correct extra identifiers.

In our sample check, this code defines the extra identifiers:

    "identifiers": ["urn:host:/host_fqdn"],

Our documentation contains a description of the identifiers used by various StackPacks.

Add a custom telemetry stream to a component

The sample check we are running also sends telemetry (metrics) to StackState, one metric stream for each of the application components. Let's find that telemetry data and map it to one of our applications.

Find the sample check's components in StackState and select the some-application-1 component. Detailed information about the component is displayed in the right panel Selection details tab, showing the metadata of this component.

In the Telemetry section, click ADD NEW STREAM. This opens the Stream Wizard and allows you to add a new stream. Enter Gauge as the name for the stream and select the StackState Metrics datasource.

In the Stream Creation screen, fill in the following parameters:

  • Time window: Last hour

  • Filters: tags.related = application_id_1

  • Select: example.gauge by Mean

The stream preview on the right should show the incoming metric values. Here is what that looks like:

Click the Save button to permanently add the stream to the some-application-1 component.

Add a custom telemetry stream to all components of a type

The some-application-1 component now has our telemetry stream. The sample check, however, also produces telemetry for the second application component. To map a stream to all components of a certain type, we need to update the component's template.

Select the some-application-1 component again to display detailed information about it in the right panel Selection details tab. Find the triple dots menu in the top-right corner. There, select the Edit template option. This brings up the Template Editor.

In the Template Editor you can edit the template used to create components based on data coming in from your sample check. It shows the following information:

  • Input parameters - this is the data sent by our example check that is processed by StackState

  • Template function - this is the template that uses the input parameters to create a component

  • Component preview - this is a preview of the component produced by applying the input parameters to the template function

Check out the Template Examples tab in the Template Editor to learn how to create templates.

The easiest way to add a stream to the component is to select New template from the Template dropdown. This will render a new template for your current component.

Find the streams property in the Template function text area and copy it to your clipboard.

Now switch back to the example-example://example-1-component-template in the Template dropdown.

In the Template function, replace the streams part with the code you copied earlier.

Notice that the telemetry query we are using is selecting the tags.related key and some-application-1 for the value. This is correct for one of our components, but not for the other. We need to make this value dynamic.

Using the double curly notation, we can use dynamic values from our input data. Go ahead and replace the some-application-1 with a reference to the component's external id:

{{ element.externalId }}

The end result should look something like this:

"streams": [{
  "_type": "MetricStream",
  "dataSource": {{ get "urn:stackpack:common:data-source:stackstate-metrics"  }},
  "dataType": "METRICS",
  "id": -11,
  "name": "test",
  "query": {
    "_type": "MetricTelemetryQuery",
    "aggregation": "MEAN",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "tags.related",
      "value": "{{ element.externalId }}"
    "id": -13,
    "metricField": "example.gauge"
  "syncCreated": false

Go ahead and save the template. Be aware that you may need to unlock it before this succeeds.

Now, we need to reset the synchronization so it will reprocess the incoming data. Go to the Settings area and find the Synchronizations page. There, use the kebab menu to reset the Synchronization example example://example-1 synchronization.

If you go back to the topology, you'll see that both application components (and any you might add in the future) will have the stream there.

Set a component's health state from an external source

StackState calculates the health state of a component using a metric stream and one of the many check functions it ships with. It is also possible to create your own check function that interprets log data from an external source, such as another monitoring tool, and uses it to set the component's health state. Let's try that out on our a-host component.

Let's start by creating the check function that takes the incoming data and translates it to a health state. Go to the Settings area and find the Check functions page. Click the Add Check function button to create a new check function. Name the function External monitor state.

Our check functions will work on a log stream, so add a parameter to the function using the + Add parameter button. The parameter name is logstream and its type is, indeed, Log stream.

Use the following code for the check function:

logitem = logstream[logstream.size() - 1]
tags = logitem.point.getStructOrEmpty("tags")
healthStateOpt = tags.getString("alert_level")
healthState = healthStateOpt.orElse("unknown").toLowerCase()
switch(healthState) {
  case "error": return CRITICAL
  case "warn": return DEVIATING
  case "ok": return CLEAR
  default: return UNKNOWN

Here is what that looks like:

Finally save the check function.

Now, let's create some test events for the component. Provided you have set the correct environment variables, the following command sends events into StackState:

TS=`date +%s`; cat custom-event.json | sed -e "s/##TIMESTAMP##/$TS/" | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @- ${STS_STS_URL}/intake/\?api_key\=${STS_API_KEY}

Just execute a few of these so we have a few datapoints to work with.

Next, let's create a log stream for the component. Find the a-host component and select it to display detailed information about the component in the right panel Selection details tab. In the Telemetry section, click ADD NEW STREAM. This opens the Stream Wizard and allows you to add a new stream. Enter External monitor as the name for the stream and select the StackState Generic Events datasource.

In the Stream Creation screen, select to output as a Log stream at the top. Then fill in the following parameters:

  • Time window: Last hour

  • Filters: host = host_fqdn

Here is what that looks like:

You should already see the test events you sent in the log stream. Go ahead and save the stream.

The last thing to do is to add a StackState health check to the a-host component. In the Health section, click ADD NEW HEALTH CHECK. This opens the Check Wizard and allows you to add a new check. Enter External monitor as the name for the check and, under the Check function, select our External monitoring state check. StackState should automatically select the External Monitoring log stream. Save the check by clicking the Create button.

Now, sending in the events using the command below should set the health state to CRITICAL:

TS=`date +%s`; cat custom-event.json | sed -e "s/##TIMESTAMP##/$TS/" | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @- ${STS_STS_URL}/intake/\?api_key\=${STS_API_KEY}

You can change the alert_level field in the custom-event.json file to try out different values, such as error, warning and ok. The component should change it's state a few seconds after receiving the event.

When the component turns CRITICAL, this is what you should see:

Cleaning your StackState instance

When you are done with this tutorial, you can remove the configuration from your StackState instance as follows:

  • Uninstall the Custom Synchronization StackPack. This will remove the configuration and data received (topology) from StackState.

  • Remove any check functions you added

Last updated