Set the topology filtering limit

StackState Self-hosted v5.0.x

This page describes StackState version 5.0.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


To optimize performance, a limit is placed on the amount of elements that can be loaded to produce a topology visualization. The filtering limit has a default value of 10000 elements.

If a topology filter loads more components than specified in the filtering limit, a message will be displayed on screen and no topology visualization will be displayed.

The filtering limit is applied to the total amount of elements that need to be loaded and not the amount of elements that will be displayed.

Configure default filtering limit

If required, the default filtering limit can be manually configured.

To set a custom filtering limit, add the following to the values.yaml file used to deploy StackState:

      config: |
         stackstate.webUIConfig.maxStackElementCount = <newvalue>

      config: |
         stackstate.webUIConfig.maxStackElementCount = <newvalue>

Last updated