Top metrics

This page describes StackState version 4.6.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


When you hover over a component in the Topology Perspective, the component context menu is displayed. This contains a list of the three top metrics for the component, together with the most recently retrieved metric value. Click on the metric name to open the associated metric stream in the telemetry inspector.

Top metrics

Change the displayed metrics

The metrics displayed are taken from the three metric streams displayed at the top of the Telemetry list. The order of the Telemetry list is defined by the Priority assigned to each telemetry stream and then by the name of the telemetry stream. To change the top metrics displayed in the component context menu, set the telemetry stream priority to place the required telemetry streams at the top of the Telemetry list.

Top metrics and telemetry streams

Reported metric values

The metric values displayed are the current metric value of the associated metric stream. If no value is available, or the last received metric is more than a few seconds old, n/a will be displayed. Click on the metric name to open the stream in the telemetry inspector and browse all retrieved values.

See also

Last updated