
StackState Self-hosted v4.6.x

This page describes StackState version 4.6.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


A relation connects two components or groups of components. Relations have some similarities with components. Just like a component, they can have a state and a propagated state. In the StackState topology perspective, relations are shown as lines connecting components or component groups.

Relation types

Relations in StackState can be either direct or indirect. The type of relation is indicated by the type of line connecting the components. You can customize the types of relations displayed in the visualization settings.

  • Direct relations link two components that have a direct connection to each other.

  • Indirect relations link two components that are connected together via a path of invisible components.

Click on a relation to view details in the right-hand pane.

Dependencies and propagation

If a relation indicates a dependency, the line will have an arrowhead showing the direction of the dependency. A dependency could be in one direction or in both directions, indicating that two components depend on each other, for example a network device talking to another networking device that has a bi-directional connection.

Health state will propagate from one component to the next upwards along a chain of dependencies. If the relation does not show a dependency between the components it connects (no arrowhead), it can be considered as merely a line in the visualizer or a connection in the stack topology.

Last updated