Prepare a multi-instance provisioning script

StackState Self-hosted v4.6.x

This page describes StackState version 4.6.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

A multi-instance StackPack requires a provisioning script that is able to provision multiple StackPack instances. To achieve that, you need to provide a separate template file in the context for both stackPack and instance; stackPack needs to be provided with the shared-template.stj, and instance requires the instance-template.stj as in the example below:

Note that instance-template.stj has some instance specific information, like topicName, instanceId and anything else defined in templateArguments, while shared-template passes without any specifics ([:]).

import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningScript
import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningContext
import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningIO
import com.stackstate.stackpack.Version

class Provision extends ProvisioningScript {

  Provision(ProvisioningContext context) {

  ProvisioningIO<scala.Unit> install(Map<String, Object> config) {
    def instance_url = instanceURL(config)
    def templateArguments = [
                'topicName': topicName(config),
                'instance_url': instance_url,
                'instanceId': context().instance().id()

    return context().stackPack().importSnapshot("templates/shared-template.stj", [:]) >>
           context().instance().importSnapshot("templates/instance-template.stj", templateArguments)

  ProvisioningIO<scala.Unit> upgrade(Map<String, Object> config, Version current) {
    return install(config)

  void waitingForData(Map<String, Object> config) {
    context().sts().onDataReceived(topicName(config), {

  private def topicName(Map<String, Object> exampleConfig) {
    def instance_url = exampleConfig.test_instance_url
    def topic = instance_url.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_")
    return context().sts().createTopologyTopicName("example", topic)

  private def instanceURL(Map<String, Object> exampleConfig) {
      def url = exampleConfig.test_instance_url
      def instance_url = ''
      if (url.startsWith('http') || url.startsWith('https')){
        instance_url = url.split("//")[1].split("/")[0]
        instance_url = url.split("/")[0]
      return instance_url


The last step is to prepare a StackPack .sts package and upload it to StackState.

Last updated