Upgrade Splunk topology V1 to V2

StackState Self-hosted v4.5.x

This page describes StackState v4.5.x. The StackState 4.5 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.5 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


In previous releases of StackState, it was only possible to run the Splunk topology check using StackState Agent V1. It is now also possible to run the Splunk topology check on StackState Agent V2.

  • If you are currently running the Splunk topology V1 check on the StackState Agent V1, this guide will help you migrate to the new StackState Agent V2 check.

  • If you are starting from scratch, you can directly configure the Splunk topology V2 check on StackState Agent V2.

It is not advised to run the Splunk topology integration through both StackState Agent V1 and StackState Agent V2 at the same time. Run either the Splunk topology V1 check (for StackState Agent V1) or the Splunk topology V2 check (for StackState Agent V2).

Upgrade steps

To upgrade an existing Splunk topology check to run on StackState Agent V2, follow the steps below:

  1. Install StackState Agent V2 in a location that can connect to both StackState and Splunk.

    • Note StackState Agent V2 cannot run side-by-side with the API Integration Agent. If you intend to continue running other checks on StackState Agent V1, install StackState Agent V2 in a different location.

  2. Stop StackState Agent V1.

  3. Disable the Splunk topology check on StackState Agent V1:

    mv /etc/sts-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.yaml /etc/sts-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.yaml.bak
  4. Copy the old Splunk topology check configuration file to the newly installed StackState Agent V2:

    # Agent installed on the same machine as StackState Agent V1 was running 
    cp /etc/sts-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.yaml.bak /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.d/conf.yaml
    # Agent installed in a different location
    scp <user>@<old_host>:/etc/sts-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.yaml.bak <user>@<new_host>:/etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.d/conf.yaml
  5. Edit the check configuration file /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/splunk_topology.d/conf.yaml and replace all occurrences of the following items:

    • default_polling_interval_seconds replace with collection_interval.

    • polling_interval_seconds replace with collection_interval.

  6. Restart StackState Agent V2 to apply the configuration changes.

    • The Splunk topology V2 check is now enabled on StackState Agent V2.

    • Wait for the Agent to collect data and send it to StackState.

See also

Last updated