
StackState Self-hosted v4.5.x

This page describes StackState v4.5.x. The StackState 4.5 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.5 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


The Kubernetes integration is used to create a near real-time synchronization of topology and associated internal services from a Kubernetes cluster to StackState. This StackPack allows monitoring of the following:

  • Workloads

  • Nodes, pods, containers and services

  • Configmaps, secrets and volumes

Kubernetes is a StackState core integration.

  • Data is retrieved by the deployed StackState Agents and then pushed to StackState via the Agent StackPack and the Kubernetes StackPack.

  • In StackState:

    • Topology data is translated into components and relations.

    • Tags defined in Kubernetes are added to components and relations in StackState.

    • Metrics data is stored and accessible within StackState. Relevant metrics data is mapped to associated components and relations in StackState.

    • Kubernetes events are available in the StackState UI Events Perspective and listed in the details pane on the right of the StackState UI.



The following prerequisites are required to install the Kubernetes StackPack and deploy the StackState Agent and Cluster Agent:

  • A Kubernetes Cluster must be up and running.

  • A recent version of Helm 3.

  • A user with permissions to create privileged pods, ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings:

    • ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding are needed to grant StackState Agents permissions to access the Kubernetes API.

    • StackState Agents need to run in a privileged pod to be able to gather information on network connections and host information.


Install the Kubernetes StackPack from the StackState UI StackPacks > Integrations screen. You will need to provide the following parameters:

  • Kubernetes Cluster Name - A name to identify the cluster. This does not need to match the cluster name used in kubeconfig, however, that is usually a good candidate for a unique name.

If the Agent StackPack is not already installed, this will be automatically installed together with the Kubernetes StackPack. This is required to work with the StackState Agent, which will need to be deployed on each node in the Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy the StackState Agent and Cluster Agent

For the Kubernetes integration to retrieve topology, events and metrics data, you will need to have the following installed on your Kubernetes cluster:

  • StackState Agent V2 on each node in the cluster

  • StackState Cluster Agent on one node

  • kube-state-metrics

➡️ Deploy StackState Agents and kube-state-metrics.

To integrate with other services, a separate instance of the StackState Agent should be deployed on a standalone VM. It is not currently possible to configure a StackState Agent deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with checks that integrate with other services.


To check the status of the Kubernetes integration, check that the StackState Cluster Agent (cluster-agent) pod and all of the StackState Agent (cluster-agent-agent) pods have status ready.

❯ kubectl get deployment,daemonset --namespace stackstate

NAME                                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/stackstate-cluster-agent             1/1     1            1           5h14m
NAME                                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/stackstate-cluster-agent-agent        10        10        10      10           10          <none>          5h14m

Integration details

Data retrieved

The Kubernetes integration retrieves the following data:


The Kubernetes integration retrieves all events from the Kubernetes cluster. The table below shows which event category will be assigned to each event type in StackState:


The Kubernetes integration makes all metrics from the Kubernetes cluster available in StackState. Relevant metrics are automatically mapped to the associated components.

All retrieved metrics can be browsed or added to a component as a telemetry stream. Select the data source StackState Metrics and type kubernetes in the Select box to get a full list of all available metrics.


The Kubernetes integration retrieves components and relations for the Kubernetes cluster.

Note that topology information is only gathered from Kubernetes clusters that use the Docker container runtime.


The following Kubernetes topology data is available in StackState as components:


The following relations between components are retrieved:

  • Container → Volume

  • CronJob → Job

  • DaemonSet → Pod

  • Deployment → ReplicaSet

  • Job → Pod

  • Ingress → Service

  • Namespace → CronJob, DaemonSet, Deployment, Job, ReplicaSet, Service, StatefulSet

  • Node → Cluster relation

  • Pod → ConfigMap, Container, Deployment, Node, Secret, Volume

  • ReplicaSet → Pod

  • Service → ExternalService, Pod

  • StatefulSet → Pod

  • Direct communication between processes

  • Process → Process communication via Kubernetes service

  • Process → Process communication via headless Kubernetes service


The Kubernetes integration does not retrieve any traces data.


All tags defined in Kubernetes will be retrieved and added to the associated components and relations in StackState.

REST API endpoints

The StackState Agent talks to the kubelet and kube-state-metrics API.

The StackState Agent and Cluster Agent connect to the Kubernetes API to retrieve cluster wide information and Kubernetes events. The following API endpoints used:

For further details, refer to the Kubernetes API documentation (kubernetes.io).

Component actions

A number of actions are added to StackState when the Kubernetes StackPack is installed. They are available from the Actions section on the right of the screen when a Kubernetes component is selected or from the component context menu, displayed when you hover over a Kubernetes component in the Topology Perspective

Details of installed actions can be found in the StackState UI Settings > Actions > Component Actions screen.

Kubernetes views in StackState

When the Kubernetes integration is enabled, the following Kubernetes views are available in StackState for each cluster:

  • Kubernetes - Applications -

  • Kubernetes - Infrastructure -

  • Kubernetes - Namespaces -

  • Kubernetes - Workload Controllers -

Open source

The code for the StackState Agent Kubernetes check is open source and available on GitHub at:


Troubleshooting steps for any known issues can be found in the StackState support Knowledge base.


To uninstall the Kubernetes StackPack, go to the StackState UI StackPacks > Integrations > Kubernetes screen and click UNINSTALL. All Kubernetes StackPack specific configuration will be removed from StackState.

Release notes

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.8 (2021-11-30)

  • Bug Fix: Support nodes without instanceId

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.7 (2021-10-06)

  • Bug Fix: Fix metrics for generic events

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.6 (2021-08-20)

  • Improvement: Add description to Views

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.5 (2021-07-14)

  • Improvement: Documentation update

  • Improvement: Update of stackstate.url for the installation documentation of the StackState Agent

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.4 (2021-05-11)

  • Bug Fix: Set aggregation methods for desired replicas streams to be compatible with insufficient replicas check

  • Bug Fix: Set aggregation method for not ready endpoints stream (on a service) to be compatible with endpoints check

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.3 (2021-04-29)

  • Bug Fix: Change dependency to latest version of k8s-common, as the previous release is broken.

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.2 (2021-04-29)

  • Improvement: Prevented readiness checks from firing pre-maturely by setting window from 10 seconds to 15 minutes for workloads, pods, and containers.

  • Improvement: Prevented readiness checks from firing pre-maturely by changing how service health is determined, and extended the evaluation window to 15 minutes.

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.1 (2021-04-12)

  • Improvement: Common bumped from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1

Kubernetes StackPack v3.9.0 (2021-04-02)

  • Improvement: Enable auto grouping on generated views.

  • Improvement: Update documentation.

  • Improvement: Common bumped from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0

  • Improvement: StackState min version bumped to 4.3.0

Kubernetes StackPack v3.8.0 (2021-03-08)

  • Feature: Namespaces are now a component in StackState with a namespaces view for each cluster

  • Feature: New component actions for quick navigation on workloads, pods and namespaces

  • Feature: Added a "Pod Scheduled" metric stream to pods

  • Feature: Secrets are now a component in StackState

  • Improvement: The "Desired vs Ready" checks on workloads now use the "Ready replicas" stream instead of the replicas stream.

  • Improvement: Use standard (blue) Kubernetes icons

  • Bug fix: Fixed Kubernetes synchronization when a component had no labels but only tags

Kubernetes StackPack v3.7.2 (2020-08-18)

  • Feature: Introduced the Release notes pop up for customer

Kubernetes StackPack v3.7.1 (2020-08-10)

  • Feature: Introduced Kubernetes specific component identifiers

Kubernetes StackPack v3.7.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Improvement: Deprecated stackpack specific layers and introduced a new common layer structure.

Kubernetes StackPack v3.6.0 (2020-06-19)

  • Improvement: Set the stream priorities on all streams.

See also

Last updated