Install StackState

StackState Self-hosted v4.5.x

This page describes StackState v4.5.x. The StackState 4.5 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.5 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

StackState prefers Kubernetes! In the future we will move away from Linux support. Read how to migrate from the Linux install of StackState to the Kubernetes install.

Before you start

Before starting the installation, you need to make a choice which make sure you make a choice whether to make a development or production setup, and make sure you have machines available that match our requirements.


Install using the RPM distribution

NOTE: StackState requires JDK 8 to run. This version of Java must already be present on the installation machine and will not automatically be installed by the rpm command.

  • rpm -i <stackstate>.rpm

  • /opt/stackstate/bin/

  • During setup various configuration options will be requested, which are described below

Install using the DEB distribution

NOTE: StackState requires JDK 8 to run. This version of Java must already be present on the installation machine and will not automatically be installed by the dpkg command.

  • dpkg -i <stackstate>.deb

  • During setup various configuration options will be requested, which are described below

Configuration options required during install

During the installation process StackState requests the user for information about the installation. These are the options that can be chosen:

  • SETUP: Choose one of the four options:

    • DEVELOPMENT: Create a development setup. Single-node installation with limitations, see development installation.

    • PRODUCTION-STACKGRAPH: Create a StackGraph node for the production setup, see production installation.

    • PRODUCTION-STACKSTATE: Create a StackState node for the production setup, see production installation.

    • CUSTOM: Create a fully customizable StackState installation. For advanced users only.

  • LICENSE_KEY: Your license key provided by StackState.

  • RECEIVER_BASE_URL: Configures the endpoint to which agents and external sources can push data to StackState. Typically, it is of the form "http://<<<HOST>>>:7077/", where <<<HOST>>> is the public DNS resolvable hostname external services can use to connect to the installed StackState instance. When running on a single machine, it is advised to specify the IP address and not use localhost.

  • STACKGRAPH_HOST: This option is only available for the PRODUCTION-STACKSTATE setup type. The DNS name here of the StackGraph machine.

  • API_KEY: Secret key StackState agents must use to authenticate. If it is not provided, one will be generated automatically under /opt/stackstate/etc/APIKEY.

  • STACKSTATE_BASE_URL: The public URL of StackState.

Each of these options can also be passed to the installation as an environment variable, to create an unattended install used in automatic deployment scenarios.

Last updated