Topology - script API

StackState Self-hosted v4.5.x

This page describes StackState v4.5.x. The StackState 4.5 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.5 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

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Topology - script API

Function query

Query the topology at any point in time. Builder methods available for extracting components, relations and comparing topological queries.

Topology.query(query: String)




Builder methods:

  • at(time: Instant or Timeslice) - specifes a time for which the query should be executed.

    • Use an instant to query for transactions that started at a specific timestamp including at any point in the past.

    • Use the currentTimeslice to query for all transactions currently started or in progress.

  • repeatAt(time: Instant) - repeats the same query but at a different exact time.

  • diff(queryResult: TopologyScriptApiQueryResponse) - compares this query with another query. A query should be the result of a call to this function.

  • diffWithPrev(queryResult: TopologyScriptApiQueryResponse) - compares this query with the last query in the chain. A query should be the result of a call to this function. This builder method is only available after the diff builder method was called.

  • components() - returns a summary of the components. After this builder method no more builder methods can be called.

  • fullComponents() - returns the component with all their data. After this builder method no more builder methods can be called.

  • problems() - returns problems for a given query along with the root cause and its contributing problems.

  • relations() - returns a summary of the relations. After this builder method no more builder methods can be called.

  • fullRelations() - returns the relations with all their data. After this builder method no more builder methods can be called.


  • Get the test environment:

    Topology.query('environments in ("test")')
  • Get the test environment yesterday:

    Topology.query('environments in ("test")').at('-1d')
  • Get test environment one hour ago, two hours ago and three hours ago.

    Topology.query('environments in ("test")').at('-1h').repeatAt('-2h').repeatAt('-3h')
  • Get the component that differ between the test and production environment:

    Topology.query('environments in ("test")').diff(Topology.query('environments in ("production")')).components()
  • Get the difference between the test environment one week ago and now:

    def q = 'environments in ("test")'
  • Get all the names of components from the test environment using thenCollect:

    Topology.query('environments in ("test")')
      .thenCollect { }
  • Get the first root problem's first failing check - likely a major root cause of a problem in the queried topology:

      .query('environments in ("test")')
      .then{ problems -> 
          problems.isEmpty()? null : problems[0].failingCheckNames[0] 

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