Clear stored data

Removing data from StackState.

This page describes StackState v4.4.x.

The StackState 4.4 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.4 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

The data in StackState is divided into three different sets:

  • Elasticsearch data

  • Kafka Topic data

  • StackGraph data

With this much data to store, it is important to have the means to manage it. There is a standard 8 days data retention period set in StackState. This can be configured according to your needs using the StackState CLI or manually on each machine. Find out more about StackState data retention.

Clear data using the StackState CLI

Clearing the data in StackState will remove any configured permissions from the system.

The StackState CLI needs access to the Admin API (default port 7071) to issue the command used below.

Running the StackState CLI delete command will:

  • Stop all necessary services.

  • Delete all topology and telemetry data. Note that, the Kafka topics folder needs to be deleted manually from the StackState server. The Kafka topics folder is located in /opt/stackstate/var/lib/ and is named kafka.

  • Start StackState.

# Delete all topology and telemetry data
sts graph delete --all

# The Kafka topics folder needs to be deleted manually from the StackState server:
# /opt/stackstate/var/lib/kafka

Clear data manually

Clearing the data in StackState will remove any configured permissions from the system.

To clear stored data in StackState running on Kubernetes, it is recommended to run a clean install.

Last updated