Install with development configuration

This page describes StackState version 4.3.

The StackState 4.3 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.3 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

StackState prefers Kubernetes! In the future we will move away from Linux support. Read how to migrate from the Linux install of StackState to the Kubernetes install.

Development mode is StackState's installation mode for a small installation to do experiments on. It requires only one machine, but it is limited to 1000 components per view, due to the limited setup. This is recommended for small trials. Production mode is what we recommend for bigger proof-of-concept projects or in an actual production environment.


Before starting the installation, ensure your system meets StackState's development setup installation requirements.

Installing StackState in a development configuration

For a development setup of StackState, simply follow the instructions for Installing StackState, using DEVELOPMENT as the SETUP configuration parameter.

Starting and Stopping

SystemD service

The RPM and DEB packages install SystemD services for StackState and StackGraph. StackState can be started with sudo systemctl start stackstate.service this will also start service StackGraph. Starting StackState can take some time.

After starting processes are complete, the service is available at http://<stackstate_hostname>:7070.

Stopping StackState

StackState can be stopped by sudo systemctl stop stackstate.service. StackGraph is not automatically stopped when stopping StackState, StackGraph can be stopped by sudo systemctl stop stackgraph.service.

StackState Status

Checking the service status can be done with sudo systemctl status stackstate.service and sudo systemctl status stackgraph.service.

Last updated