
Answer questions using queries.

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

StackState's 4T (Topology, Telemetry, Traces and Time) model can be queried within the analytical environment. Analytical queries can be written in Groovy and support the StackState Query Language (STQL). StackState analytical environment can be found at: <stackstate_url:7070>/#/analytics. The analytical environment is a full-fledged scripting environment.


Get all components which are related to a specific component.

//Define a name for the component where we start the search. def selectedComponent = "Invoicing"

Topology.query("name = '" + selectedComponent + "'")

List all components which depend on a specific component and have the state CRITICAL

Define a name for the component where we start the search. def selectedComponent = "srv02"

Topology.query("withNeighborsOf(direction = 'down', levels = '15', components = (name = '" + selectedComponent + "')) and healthState = 'CRITICAL'")

List a service with components it is depending on down to N levels of depth

//Define a name for the component where we start the search. def selectedComponent = "Payment_Service"

//Define a search depth def N = 3

Topology.query("withNeighborsOf(direction = 'down', components = (name = '" + selectedComponent + "'), levels = '" + N + "') ")

List a service with components depending on it up to N levels of depth

//Define a name for the component where we start the search. def selectedComponent = "Payment_Service"

//Define a search depth def N = 3

Topology.query("withNeighborsOf(direction = 'up', components = (name = '" + selectedComponent + "'), levels = '" + N + "') ")

Give a list of databases.

Topology.query("Type = 'database'")


All queries are in-fact Groovy scripts. Find out more about how StackState scripting works.

Last updated