
Alert when issues occur

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

When something goes wrong within your IT environment StackState can alert you or your team mates with a message in the form of an email, private message, mobile ping or incident report. Additionally, StackState can trigger automation to take corrective measures. This guide will help you set this up.

How events trigger alerts

Before configuring StackState to send out alerts it is helpful to have a general understanding of how an alert is triggered.

All telemetry in StackState flows through either metric or event streams that are part of to the components in the topology. Checks determine the health state of these components based on their telemetry streams. All health states, like the check health state, component health state and view health state are based on the health states determined by checks. All state changes generate events. The different types of events can trigger event handlers that can send out an alert or trigger some type of automation.

The entire flow of events that lead to an alert follow this path:

  • A check changes health state (e.g. becomes critical).

  • This causes the component to change state for which an event is shown in the event stream pane (in a view click on the bell icon on the far right).

  • The health state propagates to other components that causes their propagated health state to change based on the propagation function of each component. This triggers an event for all affected components. These events are not visible in the event stream, but can be used for alerting.

  • A view that contains these components can also change health state based on these changes. This triggers a view state change event to be created. These events are not shown in the event stream.

  • Events that are triggered by components contained in a view or by the view changing state itself can trigger event handlers.

  • Event handlers are configured on views and can send alerts or trigger some kind of automation.

Create a health check

Health checks generate events that can be alerted on. To create a health check:

  1. Select a component or relation in the topology. Health checks require telemetry streams.

  2. Optionally, if there are no telemetry streams available on the component or relation then you can create one.

  3. Under the health section click on the add plus button. An add check dialog appears.

  4. In the add check dialog provide a name for the health check.

  5. Optionally, you can provide a description and remediation hint. The description can be used to explain the check in greater detail. The remediation hint is automatically displayed on the component or relation when this check goes to a non clear state (e.g. critical or deviating).

  6. Select a check function. Check functions are scripts that take streaming telemetry as an input, check the data based on its logic and on the supplied arguments and outputs a health state. Some may check a metric stream for a threshold, some for spikes, others will a text contained in the event, etc. Each check function requires different arguments. If you want to know what a check function does exactly or want to create your own check function then you can find a full listing of all check functions under the settings / check functions page.

  7. Each check function has different arguments that need to be supplied. These arguments determine the behavior of the check.

  8. At least one of the arguments is a telemetry stream (some checks may require multiple streams). For metric streams a windowing method and window size need to be supplied that determine how often the check function runs based on the incoming metrics. If the windowing method is set to batching and window size is set to 60 seconds than the check runs every minute with a minute of metrics. If the windowing method is set to sliding and the window size to 60 seconds then check runs whenever the data flows in after 60 seconds of metrics have been collected.

  9. Click Create to create the health check. The check is now active and visible under the health section. At first the check will appear gray, because its health state is not yet known. As soon as enough telemetry has been received the check will get a health state.

Configure the view health

Often it is not desirable to react to each event, because that can cause a lot of noise. If one or multiple components cause some impact on a service than we do not want to report on each state change, but only on the changes to the problem itself. In StackState this is done through the health of the view. The health of a view is determined by the health of the components and relations in the view. Whenever a view changes its health state this triggers an view state state event that can be handled with an event handler on the view.

Each view in StackState has a health state, just like component and relations have a health state. The health of a view is determined by the view health configuration. To configure the health of a view:

  1. Select a view.

  2. On the top bread crumb next to the name of the view click on the drop down arrow.

  3. In the drop down menu click on Edit.

  4. Make sure view health state is enabled. A edit query view dialog appears.

  5. Select an configuration function. Each configuration function determines the health of the view in its own way based on the components and relations that are visible within the view. Some may count the number of components that have a certain health state, others may lend some special status to a certain component, etc. If you want to know what an view health state configuration function does exactly or want to create your own view health state configuration function then you can find a full listing of all view health state configuration functions under the settings / view health state configuration functions page.

  6. Each configuration function has different arguments that need to be supplied. These arguments determine the behavior of the view health state configuration function.

  7. Click Update to save the new configuration to the view. The view health updates immediately.

Send alerts with event handlers

You can use StackState event handlers to send out alerts whenever there is a change in the health state of individual components, relations or topology views. A number of event handlers are included out of the box:

  • Email: Send an email alert to a specified email address. Note that an SMTP server must be configured in StackState.

  • HTTP webhook POST: Send an HTTP POST request to a specified URL.

  • Slack: Send a notification to a specified Slack webhook URL.

  • SMS: Send an SMS alert (MessageBird) to a specified phone number.

Event handlers can be added from the StackState UI Events Perspective.

  1. Select Events Settings on the left.


  3. Select the event handler function you wish to add.

  4. Enter the required details, these will vary according to the type of event handler function you have selected.

  5. Select the type of state changes that should trigger alerts:

    • State changes - trigger on either an own health state change or a propagated health state change of a component/relation.

    • Own state changes - trigger only on an own health state change of a component/relation.

    • Propagated state changes - trigger only on a propagated health state change of a component/relation.

    • View state changes - trigger only on a health state change of the entire view.

  6. Click SAVE.

Last updated