Script API: Time

Functions related to time and timing.

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Some scripting functions of StackState may accept an Instant or Duration parameter, representing both a point in time and a range of time.

Type: Instant

An instant can be specified in the following ways:

  • As a natural number representing the time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Almost all StackState response that have a time field represent time in this way. Most nodes for example have a lastUpdateTimestamp field that is represented in this way.

  • As a string representing time according to a ISO8601 string of which nothing is ommitted. Must be of format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[SS]Z.

  • As a string representing relative time. Relative time string start with + or -, followed by a natural number, followed by a time modifier (see section below).

Examples of valid instants:

  • 1570738241087

  • "2019-09-18T17:34:02.666Z"

  • "-523s"

Type: Duration

A duration is specified as a natural number followed by a time modifier (see section below).

Examples of valid durations:

  • "1d"

  • "9w"

  • "3m"

Time modifiers

The following modifiers are usable for both Instant and Duration.

  • s - seconds

  • m - minutes (60 seconds)

  • h - hours (60 minutes)

  • d - days (24 hours)

  • w - weeks (7 days)

Last updated