How to get a template file

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Export the StackState configuration

You can get a complete dump of all configuration using the CLI: sts graph export > configuration.stj. Follow the preparation steps below to prepare the .stj file, such that it contains only configuration nodes pertaining to your StackPack.

If all of your configuration nodes already have been assigned to the right namespace you can get all the nodes of your StackPack via: sts graph export --namespace <namespace> > configuration.stj.

Prepare the template file

A .stj file contains a number of configuration nodes. Each of the configuration nodes represents a configuration item in StackState (e.g. Layer, Domain, Environment, etc.). This file contains all of the configuration of your StackState instance, which means you have to take out configuration nodes that are unnecessary for your StackPack. Take the steps below to prepare your template file:

  • Remove all configuration nodes that are owned by another StackPack. They all have a field called ownedBy.

  • Items that are extended from the Custom Synchronization StackPack, will have their urn identifier field with the following structure: urn:stackpack:autosync:{type_name}:{object_name}.

  • StackState uses an urn-based identifiers, you can go ahead and define an urn for each of your configuration objects.

    • Typical identifier pattern that you can find across our StackPacks configuration is: urn:stackpack:{stackpack_name}:{type_name}:{object_name}

    • For StackPacks that can have multiple instances, the identifier has a slightly different pattern: urn:stackpack:{stackpack_name}:instance:{{instanceId}}:{type_name}:{object_name} where {{instanceId}} is uniquely generated for every instance of the StackPack.

As of 1.14.13, the only way to add/modify the identifiers is the manual edit of the configuration file. This option will be available also through the UI starting from the 1.15 release.

Last updated