View state configuration

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Every team has a different definition of when the part of the IT landscape they are watching over is in danger. So the View health state can be used to indicate when the whole, as defined in a view, is in danger. The View can be in three states:

  • Green - CLEAR

  • Orange - DEVIATING

  • Red - CRITICAL

To enable view health state in a view, switch View Health State Enabled to on. This can be done in the dialog when saving a new view or editing an existing one. This is also where the view health state function is configured. Often this will be the number of components to be deviating or critical before the View health state changes.

When the View health state changes it triggers a ViewHealthStateChangedEvent. This event can be used in event handlers to, for example, trigger an e-mail or Slack message.

View health state configuration function

A view health state configuration function is a user defined script that takes user parameters and has access to a viewSummary variable that can be used to get summary information on the (states of) the components and relations in the view.

To create, update or delete a view state configuration go to "Settings -> View Health State Configuration Functions".

Scripting a view health state configuration function

A view health state configuration function receives a viewSummary and needs to return value from the viewHealthStates enum. UNKNOWN, CLEAR, DEVIATING, CRITICAL. The viewSummary gives access to the methods countHealthState and countPropagatedHealthState. These take a state and return the number of components on the view in that state. For example viewSummary.countPropagatedHealthState(propagatedHealthStates.DEVIATING).

When using countPropagatedHealthState be aware that both the originating component and all relations have a propagated health state. This means that the propagated health state count of a view that shows a component that is DEVIATING, that is a dependency of one other component, will be three. Two for the components and one for the relation.

In the script example below minCriticalHealthStates and minDeviatingHealthStates are user defined parameters.


if (viewSummary.countHealthState(healthStates.CRITICAL) >= minCriticalHealthStates) {
   return viewHealthStates.CRITICAL;
} else if (viewSummary.countHealthState(healthStates.DEVIATING) >= minDeviatingHealthStates) {
   return viewHealthStates.DEVIATING;
} else {
   return viewHealthStates.CLEAR;

Besides countHealthState and countPropagatedHealthState, viewSummary gives access to states defined as a list of ElementState. ElementState has the following properties: elementId, stateId, name, layer, domain, a list of environments, a list of labels, type of the element, healthState and propagatedHealthState which allow to express queries that match particular elements on the view as:


if (viewSummary.getStates().any{elementState -> (elementState.type == "DB") && (elementState.healthState >= healthStates.DEVIATING ) } ) {
   return viewHealthStates.CRITICAL;
} else {
   return viewHealthStates.CLEAR;

Last updated