Checks and Streams

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Checks are the mechanisms through which components and relations get a health state. A check needs data in order to determine a state. This data is supplied via data streams.


Checks determine their health state based on one or multiple monitor inputs for a certain component or relation. Checks may be likened to rules in that they determine if some rule holds for one or multiple telemetry streams. They are more powerful than rules though, because they are based on !check functions! that are reusable user defined scripts. While a rule can only be configured in a limited number of ways, checks can always be made more powerful through the use of check functions.

A data stream can either supply metrics (time-series data) or events. A check can receive multiple inputs of different types.

Some things a check may check:

  • Are we seeing a normal amount of hourly traffic?

  • Have there been any fatal exceptions logged?

  • What state did other systems report?

Check Functions

A check function is a reusable !user defined script! that defines a single function that based on some !parameter! inputs returns an output health state. Each time a check function is executed it updates the health state of the checks it ran for. If a check function does not return a health state, the health state of the check is unchanged.

Check function parameters

Downsampling method

Determines how a window/batch of metric data is downsampled, that is, how it is reduced from a set of values to a single value. There are different kinds of methods available:

  • Average: Calculates the average value of all the metric points in the window.

  • Percentile: Calculates the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations fall. For example, the 25th percentile is the value below which 25% of the observations may be found.

  • Maximum: Calculates the maximum value of the window

  • Minimum: Calculates the minimum value of the window

Windowing method

Determines how metric data is grouped together, the options are:

  • Sliding: Groups metric data in overlapping windows of at most the configured max-window time.

  • Batching: Groups metric data in strictly separate windows of the configured window time, with consistent start and end times.

Data streams

A data stream is a real-time stream of metric or event data coming from an external monitoring system.


Metric, or time-series, data are numeric values over time. A metric can represent any kind of measurement, like a count or a percentage.


An event is a (JSON style) data object with some properties. Each event may represent a log entry or even some state information coming from an external system.

StackState is able to synchronize the checks of external systems, like OpsView or Nagios. These systems report check changes to StackState as events. These events are then checked for their data by a check, which then translates into a state of a component or relation in StackState.

Data stream providers

Data streams are supplied via plugins. Different plugins provide one or multiple types of data streams. The Graphite plugin for example supplies StackState with metric data stream, while the Elastic Search plugin provides metric and event data streams.

Linking data streams

In StackState data streams need to be linked to components or relations. Once a data stream is linked to a component or relation it can be used as an input for checks that determine a health states based on the values in the stream.

Defining a baseline for a stream

A baseline can be attached to a metric stream, which causes additional information to be added to the metric stream. The baseline consists of an average, a lowerDeviation and a higherDeviation for batches of metric data. A check can be created on a metric stream with a baseline, which can trigger an alert when a batch of metrics deviate from the baseline.

Baseline Functions

A Baseline function defines a calculation that produces a baseline, which is [an average, a lowerDeviation and a higherDeviation] for a single input metric stream. The metric stream is batched and downsampled. A metric stream that has a baseline calculation attached to it can be used as an input for other functions, like checks.

The baseline function body is a specified as groovy script. Below is an example of a baseline function with metricStream input parameter name.

     def maximum = groovy.util.GroovyCollections.max(metricStream.collect { it.point }).doubleValue()
     def minimum = groovy.util.GroovyCollections.min(metricStream.collect { it.point }).doubleValue()
     def sum = groovy.util.GroovyCollections.sum(metricStream.collect { it.point }).doubleValue()
     def count = metricStream.size()
     return baselineMonitorDataPoint(sum/count,minimum,maximum)

Baseline parameters

Batch size

Determines the duration by which metrics are batched. Batches are always non-overlapping and the startTime of a batch is aligned to midnight 00:00 AM. A batch size of 1 hour e.g. will split a day of metrics into 24 batches, the first one starting at 00:00 AM until 01:00 AM.

Fundamental period

The period which is assumed to have recurring similarities and is therefore used by the baseline function to determine which periods can be compared with other periods.

Training window

The amount of time that is used to select the historical metrics that are used as input for calculating the baseline. When the baseline did not collect enough historical metrics yet to fill the training window, it will not produce a baseline yet.

Last updated