Telemetry - script API

StackState Self-hosted v5.0.x

This page describes StackState version 5.0.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Function: Telemetry.query(dataSourceName: String, query: String)

A telemetry query is a conjunction of equality conditions. For example, name = 'system.load.norm.15' and host='localhost'. There are several builder methods available that help to refine the query time range, limit the number of points returned, or set a metric field.

Telemetry queries only support metric queries. If you need event queries, please enter a feature request at


  • dataSourceName - name of the data source.

  • query - set of equality conditions.


The output format of the Telemetry API changed in StackState v5.0. If you are running an earlier version of StackState, see the documentation for StackState v4.6 documentation (


Builder methods

  • .groupBy(fieldName: String) - optional. Used to return grouped results from Elasticsearch. Requires .aggregation() to be used. If there is no aggregation, a plain metric stream will be returned.

  • aggregation(method: String, bucketSize: String) - returns aggregated telemetry using method and bucketSize. See the available aggregation methods.

  • start(time: Instant) - sets the start time of the query, for example -3h.

  • end(time: Instant) - sets the end time of the query, for example -1h.

  • window(start: Instant, end: Instant) - sets query time range. Use only start to get all telemetry up to now or only end to get all telemetry up to an instant in time.

  • limit(points: Int) - limits the number of points returned, applicable to non-aggregated queries.

  • metricField(fieldName: String) - optional, but may be required for some data sources. Sets a field that holds metric value.

  • compileQuery() - returns the telemetry query that was created with this function and the builder methods. After this builder method no more builder methods can be called.


Get metrics aggregated using Mean with bucket size 15 minutes and grouped by the field host:

  .query("StackState Multi Metrics", "")
  .aggregation("mean", "15m")

Process the StreamingScriptResult result data, getting the ids of the resulting timeSeries

  .query("StackState Multi Metrics", "")
  .aggregation("mean", "15m")
  .then { }

Get raw metric by query

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")

Get metric aggregated using Mean with bucket size 1 minute

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")
  .aggregation("99th percentile", "1m") // get 99th percentile of each minute

Query metrics starting 3 hours ago till now

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")
  .start("-3h") // starting from 3 hours ago

Query metrics starting beginning of the data till last hour ago

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")
  .end("-1h") // ending 1 hour ago

Query metrics within time range starting 3 hours ago up to 1 hour ago

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")
  .window("-3h", "-1h") // from 3 hours ago to 1 hour ago

Query metrics from field "value" and limits points returned

  .query("StackState Metrics", "name='system.load.norm' and host='host1'")

See also

Last updated