StackState Self-hosted v4.5.x

This page describes StackState v4.5.x. The StackState 4.5 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.5 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


Get realtime metrics from MySQL databases, including:

  • Query throughput

  • Query performance (average query run time, slow queries, etc)

  • Connections (currently open connections, aborted connections, errors, etc)

  • InnoDB (buffer pool metrics, etc)

You can also invent your own metrics using custom SQL queries.

MySQL is a StackState curated integration.



The MySQL check is included in the Agent V2 StackPack StackPack. No additional installation is needed on your MySQL server.


Edit the mysql.d/conf.yaml file, in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent's configuration directory to start collecting your MySQL metrics and logs.

Prepare MySQL

On each MySQL server, create a database user for the Agent:

mysql> CREATE USER 'stackstate'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<UNIQUEPASSWORD>';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

For mySQL 8.0+ create the stackstate user with the native password hashing method:

mysql> CREATE USER 'stackstate'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by '<UNIQUEPASSWORD>';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Note: @'localhost' is only for local connections - use the hostname/IP of your Agent for remote connections. For more information, see the MySQL documentation.

Verify the user was created successfully using the following commands - replace <UNIQUEPASSWORD> with the password you created above:

mysql -u stackstate --password=<UNIQUEPASSWORD> -e "show status" | \
grep Uptime && echo -e "\033[0;32mMySQL user - OK\033[0m" || \
echo -e "\033[0;31mCannot connect to MySQL\033[0m"
mysql -u stackstate --password=<UNIQUEPASSWORD> -e "show slave status" && \
echo -e "\033[0;32mMySQL grant - OK\033[0m" || \
echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing REPLICATION CLIENT grant\033[0m"

The Agent needs a few privileges to collect metrics. Grant the user the following limited privileges ONLY:

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'stackstate'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

For mySQL 8.0+ set max_user_connections with:

mysql> ALTER USER 'stackstate'@'localhost' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 5;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

If enabled, metrics can be collected from the performance_schema database by granting an additional privilege:

mysql> show databases like 'performance_schema';
| Database (performance_schema) |
| performance_schema            |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.* TO 'stackstate'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Metric Collection

  • Add this configuration block to your mysql.d/conf.yaml to collect your MySQL metrics:

      - server:
        user: stackstate
        pass: '<YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD>' # from the CREATE USER step earlier
        port: <YOUR_MYSQL_PORT> # e.g. 3306
            replication: 0
            galera_cluster: 1
            extra_status_metrics: true
            extra_innodb_metrics: true
            extra_performance_metrics: true
            schema_size_metrics: false
            disable_innodb_metrics: false

Note: Wrap your password in single quotes in case a special character is present.

To collect extra_performance_metrics, your MySQL server must have performance_schema enabled - otherwise set extra_performance_metrics to false. For more information on performance_schema, see the MySQL documentation.

Note that the stackstate user should be set up in the MySQL integration configuration as host: instead of localhost. Alternatively, you may also use sock.

Restart the Agent to start sending MySQL metrics to StackState.

Log Collection

  1. By default MySQL logs everything in /var/log/syslog which requires root access to read. To make the logs more accessible, follow these steps:

    • Edit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf and remove or comment the lines.

    • Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add following lines to enable general, error, and slow query logs:

      general_log = on
      general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
      slow_query_log = on
      slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
      long_query_time = 2
    • Save the file and restart MySQL using following commands: service mysql restart

    • Make sure the Agent has read access on the /var/log/mysql directory and all of the files within. Double-check your logrotate configuration to make sure those files are taken into account and that the permissions are correctly set there as well.

    • In /etc/logrotate.d/mysql-server there should be something similar to:

      /var/log/mysql.log /var/log/mysql/mysql.log /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log {
             rotate 7
             create 644 mysql adm
  2. Collecting logs is disabled by default in the StackState Agent, so you need to enable it in stackstate.yaml:

     logs_enabled: true
  3. Add this configuration block to your mysql.d/conf.yaml file to start collecting your MySQL logs:

         - type: file
           path: /var/log/mysql/mysql_error.log
           source: mysql
           sourcecategory: database
           service: myapplication
         - type: file
           path: /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
           source: mysql
           sourcecategory: database
           service: myapplication
         - type: file
           path: /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
           source: mysql
           sourcecategory: database
           service: myapplication
           # For multiline logs, if they start by the date with the format yyyy-mm-dd uncomment the following processing rule
           # log_processing_rules:
           #   - type: multi_line
           #     name: new_log_start_with_date
           #     pattern: \d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])

    See our sample mysql.yaml for all available configuration options, including those for custom metrics.

  4. Restart the Agent.


Run the Agent's status subcommand and look for mysql under the Checks section.

Data Collected


See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this integration.

The check does not collect all metrics by default. Set the following boolean configuration options to true to enable the respective metrics:

extra_status_metrics adds the following metrics:

extra_innodb_metrics adds the following metrics:

extra_performance_metrics adds the following metrics:

schema_size_metrics adds the following metric:


The MySQL check does not include any events.

Service Checks

mysql.replication.slave_running: Returns CRITICAL for a slave that's not running, otherwise OK.

mysql.can_connect: Returns CRITICAL if the Agent cannot connect to MySQL to collect metrics, otherwise OK.

Last updated