
This page describes StackState v4.4.x.

The StackState 4.4 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.4 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


StackState Agent V2

StackState Agent V2 can be installed on Linux systems running CentOS, Debian, Fedora, RedHat or Ubuntu. The Agent collects data from the host where it is running and can be configured to integrate with external systems. Retrieved data is pushed to StackState, to work with this data the StackState Agent V2 StackPack must be installed in your StackState instance. For details of the data retrieved and available integrations, see the StackPack integration documentation.


Supported versions

StackState Agent is tested to run on the Linux versions listed below with 64bit architecture. Note that host data for network connections between processes and containers (including network traffic telemetry) can only be retrieved for OS versions with a network tracer (kernel version 4.3.0 or higher):

Minimum version


CentOS 6

CentOS 6 requires Agent v2.0.2 or above. Network tracer available from CentOS 8.


Debian 7 (Wheezy)

Debian 7 (Wheezy) requires glibc upgrade to 2.17. Network tracer available from Debian 9 (Stretch).


Fedora 28




Network tracer available from RHEL 8.


Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)

Network tracer available from Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) (Xenial Xerus).

StackState Receiver API address

StackState Agent connects to the StackState Receiver API.

For StackState running on Kubernetes, the Receiver API is hosted by default at:


The baseUrl is set during StackState installation, for details see Kubernetes install - configuration parameters.


StackState Agent V2 is installed using an install script.

  • Online install - If you have access to the internet on the machine where the Agent will be installed.

  • Offline install - If you do not have access to the internet on the machine where the Agent will be installed.

The apiKey and baseUrl specified when running the install script are set during StackState installation, for details see:

Online install

If you have access to the internet on the machine where the Agent will be installed, use one of the commands below to run the script. The Agent installer package will be downloaded automatically.

curl -o- | \
STS_API_KEY="{{config.apiKey}}" \
STS_URL="<stackstate-receiver-api-address>" bash

Offline install

If you do not have access to the internet on the machine where the Agent will be installed, you will need to download both the install script and the Agent installer package before you install. You can then set the environment variable STS_INSTALL_NO_REPO=yes and specify the path to the downloaded installer package when you run the script.

  1. Download the install script and copy this to the host where it will be installed:

  2. Get the Key of the latest version of the Agent installer package (DEB or RPM package):

  3. Download the Agent installer package and copy this to the host where it will be installed. The download link can be constructed from the S3 bucket URL and the installer package Key that is provided on the installer package list page. For example, to download the DEB installer package for agent_2.13.0-1_amd64.deb, use:

    • DEB Download link:<Key_from_DEB_installer_package_list>

    • RPM Download link:<Key_from_RPM_installer_package_list>

  4. Use the command below to set the required environment variables and run the installer script:

     STS_API_KEY="{{config.apiKey}}" \
     STS_URL="<stackstate-receiver-api-address>" \
     ./ <path_to_local_Agent_installer_package>


To upgrade StackState Agent V2 on your system, stop the stackstate-agent service and upgrade using yum or apt-get. To upgrade offline, download the Agent installer package (DEB or RPM package) and copy this to the host where it will be installed - see step 2 in the offline install instructions.

# stop the Agent with one of the below commands
sudo systemctl stop stackstate-agent
sudo service stackstate-agent stop

# online Agent upgrade
sudo yum upgrade stackstate-agent

# offline Agent upgrade
sudo yum upgrade <agent_installer_package>.rpm


Agent configuration

The StackState Agent V2 configuration is located in the file /etc/stackstate-agent/stackstate.yaml. The apiKey and baseUrl specified during installation will be added here by the install script. No further configuration should be required, however, a number of advanced configuration options are available.

Advanced Agent configuration

A number of advanced configuration options are available for StackState Agent V2. These can be set in the Agent configuration file /etc/stackstate-agent/stackstate.yaml and are described in detail on the page advanced Agent configuration.

Integration configuration

The Agent can be configured to run checks that integrate with external systems. Configuration files for integrations run through StackState Agent V2 can be found in the directory /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/. Each integration has its own configuration file that is used by the associated Agent check.

Documentation for the available StackState integrations, including configuration details can be found on the StackPacks > Integrations pages.


Commands require elevated privileges.

Start, stop or restart the Agent

To manually start, stop or restart StackState Agent V2:

# with systemctl
sudo systemctl start stackstate-agent
sudo systemctl stop stackstate-agent
sudo systemctl restart stackstate-agent

# with service
sudo service stackstate-agent start
sudo service stackstate-agent stop
sudo service stackstate-agent restart

Status and information

To check if StackState Agent V2 is running and receive information about the Agent's state:

# with systemctl
sudo systemctl status stackstate-agent

# with service
sudo service stackstate-agent status

To show tracebacks for errors or output the full log:

# with systemctl
sudo journalctl -u stackstate-agent

# with service
sudo service stackstate-agent status -v

Manually run a check

Use the command below to manually run an Agent check.

# Execute a check once and display the results.
sudo -u stackstate-agent stackstate-agent check <CHECK_NAME>

# Execute a check once with log level debug and display the results.
sudo -u stackstate-agent stackstate-agent check <CHECK_NAME> -l debug


To troubleshoot the Agent, try to check the Agent status or manually run a check.

Log files

Logs for the subsystems are in the following files:

  • /var/log/stackstate-agent/agent.log

  • /var/log/stackstate-agent/process-agent.log

Support knowledge base

Troubleshooting steps for any known issues can be found in the StackState support knowledge base.


To uninstall StackState Agent V2 from your system, stop the stackstate-agent service and remove it using yum or apt-get.

# stop the Agent with one of the below commands
sudo systemctl stop stackstate-agent
sudo service stackstate-agent stop

# uninstall the Agent
sudo yum remove stackstate-agent

See also

Last updated