Set up TLS without reverse proxy

This page describes StackState version 4.3.

The StackState 4.3 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.3 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

StackState prefers Kubernetes! In the future we will move away from Linux support. Read how to migrate from the Linux install of StackState to the Kubernetes install.

This document provides the steps to set up TLS on StackState application side with no reverse proxy configured.


Prepare a TLS keypair in PKCS12 format. Certificate should include the hostname by which StackState will be accessed, e.g.

Configure StackState

Step 1. Configure applications

a. Enable TLS for Web UI/API by configuring section stackstate.api.tls in etc/application_stackstate.conf:

tls {
  enabled = true
  keystore {
    path = "/path/to/keystore.pfx"
    password = "password"
    storeType = "PKCS12"

b. Enable TLS for topology/telemetry receiver by configuring a section stackstate.receiver.tls in etc/stackstate-receiver/application.conf:

tls {
  enabled = true
  keystore {
    path = "/path/to/keystore.pfx"
    password = "password"
    storeType = "PKCS12"

Step 2. Configure the process manager

a. Configure health check URL (properties.receiver-healthcheckuri) in etc/processmanager/processmanager-properties.conf using https protocol and the hostname:

 receiver-healthcheckuri = ""

b. (optional, if a self-signed certificate is used) Make process manager trust self-signed certificate by adding the following settings under server.akka section in etc/processmanager/processmanager-properties.conf:

ssl-config {
  trustManager = {
    stores = [
      {type: "PEM", path: "/path/to/certificate-authority.pem"},

Step 3. Configure Stackpacks configuration defaults

Configure the default receiver URL (stackstate.receiver.baseUrl) in etc/application_stackstate.conf using https protocol and the hostname:

stackstate.receiver.baseUrl = ""

Step 4. Apply changes

Restart StackState to apply these changes:

sudo systemctl restart stackstate.service

Configure StackState Agent

Option 1. Agent running in Docker

a. (optional, for self-signed certificates) Prepare a self-signed certificate to be mounted into the container:

mkdir self-signed-certs
cd self-signed-certs
cp /path/to/certificate-authority.pem ./ca.crt
cp ./ca.crt ./ca-certificates.crt

b. Update the docker container parameters with:

  • configured URLs with https and the hostname in environment variables for receiver endpoints

    • STS_STS_URL=

    • STS_APM_URL=


  • (for self-signed) mount prepared certificates into /etc/ssl/certs of a container


docker run -ti --rm\
    -e STS_API_KEY=<api key>
    -v /path/to/self-signed-certs:/etc/ssl/certs \
    -e STS_STS_URL= \
    -e STS_APM_URL= \

Option 2. Agent running on machine

a. Update the receiver URLs using https and the hostname in /etc/stackstate-agent/stackstate.yaml:


b. If a self-signed certificate is used, then import it with the default keystore of the operating system. Ubuntu:

cp /path/to/certificate-authority.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/stackstate.crt # extension .crt is important here
sudo update-ca-certificates

Last updated