
This page describes StackState version 4.2.

The StackState 4.2 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.2 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is a StackPack package?

StackPacks are essentially .zip archives that contain a file structure allowing for StackPack presentation in StackState, installation, provisioning and configuration of StackState. The .zip extension must be changed to .sts to make the archive visible as a StackPack in StackState. A StackPack archive has the following structure:

    β”œβ”€β”€ provisioning
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ icons
    β”‚   |   └── icon.png
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ scripts
    β”‚   β”‚     └── ExampleProvision.groovy
    β”‚   └── templates
    β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ instance template.json.handlebar
    β”‚       └── application template.json.handlebar
    β”œβ”€β”€ resources
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ logo.png
    β”‚   └──
    └── stackpack.conf

What is inside the StackPack package?

Inside the .sts archive you can find the provisioning directory, resources directory and a configuration file. Provisioning directory is prepared for provision groovy scripts, and Templates.

  • provisioning directory is where all icons, templates, and groovy scripts used for provisioning the StackPack are stored. The provisioning can also be split into multiple groovy scripts, and the provisioning directory is part of the classpath while provisioning the StackPack. Find more on Groovy in StackState.

  • resources directory contains all the static resources and contents for the StackPack. They are available in the Groove code through /stackpack/{stackpack-name}/resources/{resource}.

  • stackpack.conf is where the StackPack is configured. See the section below for more details.

  • Templates - these files are StackState Templated JSON handlebar files that reflect StackState configuration; it may contain ComponentTypes, Id Extractors, and/or component/relations templates. Find more details on the templates page

The StackPack configuration file

A StackPack should have a HOCON configuration file named stackpack.conf in the root directory. The structure of the file should look like this:

name = example
displayName = Example stackpack
version = "1.0.0"
isNew = yes
logoUrl = ""
categories = ["Infrastructure"]
overviewUrl = ""
detailedOverviewUrl = ""
configurationUrls = {
    INSTALLED = ""
    ERROR = ""
faqs = []
steps = [
    name = "text"
    display = "Text"
    value {
      type = "text"
      default = "value"
    name = "password"
    display = "Password"
    value {
      type = "password"
provision = "ExampleProvision"
releaseNotes = ""
upgradeInstructions = ""
  • name - Name of the StackPack. This is what is used to uniquely identify the StackPack. (Required)

  • displayName - Name that is displayed on both the StackPack listing page and on the title of the StackPack page. (Required)

  • version - Semantic version of the StackPack. StackPacks with the same major version are considered compatible. (Required)

  • isNew - This specifies whether the StackPack is new, as in the StackPack version is the first publicly available version. The values can be yes/no/true/false. By default, it is considered false.

  • logoUrl - Specifies the logo used as a badge for the StackPack. It could be any of the resource URL as defined here. (Required)

  • categories - These are keywords using which the StackPacks can be filtered. Any list of relevant labels can be passed here. It is recommended to keep labels in capitalized letters.

  • overviewUrl- Markdown resource with general information about the StackPack. By default it is assumed to be /

  • detailedOverviewUrl - Optional Markdown resource that described the StackPack in a bit more detailed fashion. This is displayed in two columns below the installed instances section in the StackPack page. Markdown comment, [comment]: # (split) is used to delimit the two columns in the markdown.

  • configurationUrls - Contains the Markdown resources relevant for various states of StackPack provisioning.

  • faqs - Frequently asked questions concerning the StackPack or its installation. A list with each element having the format:

      question = "question"
      answer = "answer"
  • steps - Describes the configuration fields. See Configuration input.

  • provision - Defines the provisioning script. For example, if the script is ExampleProvision then, provisioning/ExampleProvision.groovy is looked up to see if there is a groovy class named ExampleProvision which extends com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningScript from stackpack-sdk.

  • releaseNotes - Markdown file containing release notes for the current StackPack release. Shown when installing the StackPack.

  • upgradeInstructions - Markdown file containing upgrade instructions for the current StackPack release. Shown when upgrading the StackPack.

Last updated