How to make a multi-instance StackPack

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

This documentation set explains how to make a StackPack that can be installed as multiple instances in StackState. Below you can find the introduction to this topic and the steps to get a multi-instance StackPack. This

StackPacks can be developed to support multiple instances of the same StackPack. This approach is useful in situations when there is a need to monitor more than one environment within the same technology. Multi-instance support can be achieved by splitting template files of your StackPack and tweaking the provisioning script in a way that supports multiple instances by keeping information that is shared between StackPacks separated from the instance-specific template.

Multi-instance StackPack package looks a little different from a standard StackPack, as there are more than one template files:

    ├── provisioning
    │   ├── icons
    │   |   └── icon.png
    │   ├── scripts
    │   │     └── ExampleProvision.groovy
    │   └── templates
    │       ├── instance template.json.handlebar
    │       ├── shared template.json.handlebar
    │       └── application template.json.handlebar
    ├── resources
    │   ├── logo.png
    │   └──
    └── stackpack.conf

Steps to get a multi-instance StackPack:

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