Installation requirements
This page describes StackState version 4.0.
The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.
Server requirements
Operating system: one of the following operating systems running Java:
Red Hat
Amazon Linux
OpenJDK 8 patch level 121 or later
NOTE: StackState does not work with JDK versions 9 or higher at this time.
NOTE: The StackState Agent StackPack has more specific requirements.
Size requirements
Production setup
The StackState production setup requires two machines to run on.
Minimal requirements
StackState node
>= 20GB of RAM
>= 100GB disk space
>= 4 cores cpu
StackGraph node
>= 16gb of RAM
>= 100GB disk space
>= 4 cores cpu
StackState node
32GB of RAM
500GB disk space
8 cores cpu
StackGraph node
24GB of RAM
500GB disk space
8 cores cpu
POC setup
The POC setup runs on a single node
32GB of RAM
500GB disk space
8 cores cpu
Development setup
The development setup runs on a single node
16GB of RAM
500GB disk space
4 cores cpu
AWS requirements
To meet StackState minimal requirements the AWS instance type needs to have at least 4 CPU cores and 16GB of memory, e.g., m5.xlarge.
The AWS CLI has to be installed on the EC2 instance that is running StackState.
Networking requirements
Listed ports are TCP ports.
Development/POC deployment
StackState has to be reachable on port 7070 by any supported browser. StackState port 7077 must be reachable from any system that is pushing data to StackState
The following ports can be opened for monitoring, but are also useful when troubleshooting: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9010, 9011, 9020, 9021, 9022, 9023, 9024, 9025, 9026, 16010, 16030, 50070, 50075
Production deployment
A production deployment separates StackState and StackState's database processes; StackGraph.
StackState has to be reachable on port 7070 by any supported browser. StackState port 7077 must be reachable from any system that is pushing data to StackState
StackGraph should be reachable by StackState on ports 2181, 8020, 15165, 16000, 16020, 50010.
The following ports can be opened for monitoring, but are also useful when troubleshooting:
StackSate: 9010, 9011, 9020, 9021, 9022, 9023, 9024, 9025, 9026
StackGraph: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006, 16010, 16030, 50070, 50075
Port list per process
Detailed information about ports per process.
7070: HTTP api & user interface
7071: Admin API for health checks and admin operations. Typically you want to use this only from
7077: HTTP agent API (aka receiver API). When using an agent, data is sent to this endpoint.
9092: Client port
9200: HTTP api
9300: Native api
2181: Client API
2888: Zookeeper peers (general communication), only when running a cluster
3888: Zookeeper peers (leader election), only when running a cluster
HBase Master
16000: Master client api (needs to be open for clients)
16010: Master Web UI (optional)
HBase Region server
16020: Region client API (needs to be open for clients)
16030: Region Web UI (optional)
HDFS NameNode
8020: File system (needs to be open for clients)
50070: Web UI (optional)
HDFS DataNode
50010: Datanode API (needs to be open for clients)
50020: IPC api (communication within HDFS cluster)
50075: HTTP api (optional)
Tephra Transaction service
15165: Client API
StackState ProcessManager
5154: StackState ProcessManager, at the moment only from localhost
StackGraph ProcessManager
5152: StackGraph ProcessManager, at the moment only from localhost
Client requirements
To use the StackState GUI, you must use one of the following web browsers:
Last updated