VMWare vSphere

This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is the VMWare vSphere StackPack?

The VMware vSphere StackPack is used to create a near real-time synchronization with VMware vSphere.

This StackPack provides functionality that allows for monitoring of the following resources:

  • hosts

  • virtual machines

  • compute resources

  • cluster compute resources

  • data stores

  • data centers

VMware StackPack collects all topology data for the components and relations between them as well as telemetry and events.


  • StackState Agent V2 must be installed on a single machine which can connect to VSphere VCenter and StackState. (See the StackState Agent V2 StackPack for more details)

  • A VSphere VCenter instance must be running.

Network communication

  • The StackState Agent V2 connects to the vSphere instance on TCP port 443.

  • The StackState Agent V2 connects to StackState API on TCP port 7077

  • If the Agent is installed on the StackState host then port 7077 is localhost communication.

  • If the Agent is installed on a different host, you need a network path between the Agent and StackState on port 7077/tcp, and to vSphere on 443/tcp port.

Enabling the vSphere check

Enabling the vSphere check using the StackState Agent StackPack and Agent v2

Edit the conf.yaml file in your agent /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/vsphere.d directory, replacing <name>, <host_name>, <username> and <password> with the information from your VSphere VCenter instance.

# Section used for global vsphere check config

  # name must be a unique key representing your vCenter instance
  # mandatory
  - name: <name> # main-vcenter

    # the host used to resolve the vCenter IP
    # mandatory
    host: <host_name> # vcenter.domain.com

    # Read-only credentials to connect to vCenter
    # mandatory
    username: <username> # stackstate-readonly@vsphere.local
    password: <password> # mypassword

    # Set to false to disable SSL verification, when connecting to vCenter
    # optional
    ssl_verify: false

To publish the configuration changes, restart the StackState Agent(s) using below command.

sudo /etc/init.d/stackstate-agent restart

Once the Agent is restarted, wait for the Agent to collect the data and send it to StackState.

Enabling the vSphere check using the API Integration StackPack and Agent v1

To enable the vSphere check which collects the data from vSphere vCenter:

Edit the vsphere.yaml file in your agent in /etc/sts-agent/conf.d/, replacing <name>, <host_name>, <username>, and <password> with the information from your vSphere vCenter instance.

# Section used for global vsphere check config

  # name must be a unique key representing your vCenter instance
  # mandatory
  - name: <name> # main-vcenter

    # the host used to resolve the vCenter IP
    # mandatory
    host: <host_name> # vcenter.domain.com

    # Read-only credentials to connect to vCenter
    # mandatory
    username: <username> # stackstate-readonly@vsphere.local
    password: <password> # mypassword

    # Set to false to disable SSL verification, when connecting to vCenter
    # optional
    ssl_verify: false

Please note that the value needs to be the same as vSphere Host Name used during StackPack provisioning process.

To apply the configuration changes, restart the StackState Agent using the below command.

systemctl restart stackstate-agent


service stackstate-agent restart

Once the Agent is restarted, it starts collecting data, and sends it to StackState.

Configuration options

The following configuration options can be added to the vSphere configuration file. Find details in the conf.yaml.example file

Special tags

The vSphere StackPack understands the following special tags:

Data collected


Last updated