StackPack - script API

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

The StackPack script API provides handy operations to get the status of a StackPack or resources that are provided by a StackPack.

Function: StackPack.isInstalled(name: String)

Returns a flag indicating if the StackPack is installed


  • name - the name of a StackPack. This much match exactly (case-sensitive). The name of a StackPack can be found in the breadcrumb trail of the StackPack in the StackState UI or can be retrieved using StackState CLI command:

sts stackpack list

From StackState v5.0, the old sts CLI has been renamed to stac and there is a new sts CLI. The command(s) provided here are for use with the new sts CLI.

➡️ Check which version of the sts CLI you are running


The example below will return an AsyncScriptResult of a boolean indicating if the agent StackPack is installed


Function: StackPack.getResources(stackPackNamespace: String, nodeType: String)

Returns resources originating from the StackPack.


  • stackPackNamespace - the name of the URN namespace of the StackPack. For example aad checks for resources in the namespace urn:stackpack:aad.

  • nodeType - the type of node, for example CheckFunction or QueryView. You can get a full listing of all using the StackState CLI command:

sts settings list-types

From StackState v5.0, the old sts CLI has been renamed to stac and there is a new sts CLI. The command(s) provided here are for use with the new sts CLI.

➡️ Check which version of the sts CLI you are running


The example below will return an AsyncScriptResult of an array of resources with type QueryView from the agent StackPack.

StackPack.getResources("agent", "QueryView")

Last updated