Connect an Agent check to StackState

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x


The recommended way to connect your Agent check and visualize the data within StackState is to install the Custom Synchronization StackPack. Note that the Custom Synchronization StackPack only supports a single instance, to synchronize multiple instances you will need to create a multi-tenant StackPack.


Install the Custom Synchronization StackPack from the StackState UI StackPacks > Integrations screen. You will need to enter the following parameters:

  • Instance type (source identifier) - TopologyInstance

  • Instance URL

These are directly mapped to the TopologyInstance supplied in the get_instance_key function of your Agent check.

In the example Agent check below StackState, the Custom Synchronization StackPack Instance type would be example and the Instance URL would be instance_url.

    def get_instance_key(self, instance):
        if 'url' not in instance:
            raise ConfigurationError('Missing url in topology instance configuration.')

        instance_url = instance['url']
        return TopologyInstance("example", instance_url)

When the StackPack has been installed, the Custom Synchronization should become enabled and you should start to see the topology coming in for your Agent Check.

See also

Last updated