
StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

What is the Nagios StackPack?

The Nagios StackPack allows StackState to connect to Nagios. We support the Nagios version 5.x onwards.

Using this StackPack, you can:

  • map Nagios alerts onto your topology

Nagios is a StackState curated integration.


The following prerequisites need to be met:

  • StackState must be installed on a single machine which can connect to Nagios and StackState.

  • A Nagios instance must be running.


The Nagios StackPack requires the following parameters to collect the topology information:

  • Nagios HostName - the Nagios HostName from which topology need to be collected.

NOTE - Make sure once Nagios is installed properly, you configure your hostname and rename from localhost to proper fully qualified domain name.

Enable Nagios integration

To enable the Nagios check and begin collecting data from your Nagios instance:

  1. Edit the Agent integration configuration file /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/nagios.d/conf.yaml:

    • Include details of your Nagios instance:

      • nagios_conf - path to the nagios.cfg file

    • By default, the Nagios check won't collect any metrics. To enable data collection, set one or both of the following to True:

      • collect_host_performance_data

      • collect_service_performance_data.

      # Section used for global Nagios check config
      # check_freq: 15 # default is 15
      - nagios_conf: <nagios_conf_path>          # /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
        # collect_events: False                  # default is True
        # passive_checks_events: True            # default is False
        collect_host_performance_data: True      # default is False
        collect_service_performance_data: True   # default is False
  2. Restart StackState to publish the configuration changes.

  3. Once the Agent is restarted, wait for the Agent to collect data and send it to StackState.

Permissions for Nagios files

Nagios StackState Agent check tails Nagios config and log files, so it should have permission to read those files. If you run StackState Agent with some other user than root, the StackState Agent user must be added to the same group that's attached to the config and log files. Note that manually setting read permission isn't an option as the files can sometimes be recreated by Nagios.

Release notes

Nagios StackPack v2.6.3 (2021-07-19)

  • Improvement: Remove API-Integration references from the documentation.

Last updated