
StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

The StackState Traefik integration provides the following functionality:

  • Reporting Traefik frontends and backends as topology elements.

  • Reporting all network connections between services, including network traffic telemetry.

Traefik is a StackState curated integration.



The StackState Traefik integration is included in the Agent V2 StackPack. Currently, this integration supports tracing of Traefik requests using the Datadog tracing backend supported by Traefik.


Configure your Traefik instance to report Datadog tracing data to StackState . Your Traefik.toml configuration file must include the following parameters:

# Tracing definition
  # Use the Datadog backend to send the Datadog Tracing format to StackState Agent
  backend = "datadog"

  # Component name used for your Traefik instance in StackState
  serviceName = "traefik"

  # Span name limit allows for name truncation in case of very long Frontend/Backend names
  # This can prevent certain tracing providers to drop traces that exceed their length limits
  spanNameLimit = 100

    # StackState Agent Host Port instructs reporter to send spans to StackState  at this address
    localAgentHostPort = "agentHost:8126"

    # Applies a shared tag in a form of source:traefik to all the spans of the trace
    globalTag = "source:traefik"

Integrate with Java traces

When using Traefik in conjunction with one of our language specific trace clients, for example, StackState Java Trace Client - Java APM it's important to note that you should use the backend name of your Traefik service as the service-name for the trace client to allow automatic merging of the service components within StackState.

For example, for the following Traefik.toml:

  backend = "stackstate-demo-backend"
    rule = "Host:test.stackstate-demo-backend.localhost"
    # ...
    url = "..."

you should pass the following jvm argument when starting your java application:

or for a similar docker-compose configuration:

    image: stackstate-demo-app:latest
    pid: "host" # use pid:"host" to ensure pid's match with processes reported by the StackState process Agent
      - '8081-8091:8081'
      - another_app
      - stackstate-agent
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:stackstate-demo-app.docker.localhost"
      - "traefik.backend=stackstate-demo-app"


To verify whether the StackState Trace Agent has received traces, set the logging level to debug and check the trace-agent.log:

log_level: debug

In Docker or Kubernetes, set the following environment variable for the StackState Agent


Last updated