Override default configuration

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

A number of values can be set in the StackState Helm chart. For example, it's possible to customize the tolerations and nodeSelectors for each of the components. You can also add customized configuration and include environment variables

Custom configuration for StackState api

For the StackState api service, custom configuration can be dropped directly into the Helm chart. This is the advised way to override the default configuration that StackState ships with and is especially convenient for customizing authentication. Configuration set in this way will be available to the StackState configuration file in HOCON format.

For example, you can set a custom "forgot password link" for the StackState login page:

      config: |
        stackstate.api.authentication.forgotPasswordLink =

Note that custom configuration set here will be overridden by environment variables.

Environment variables

The configuration for all of the StackState services (receiver, k2es-*, correlation and api) can be customized using environment variables. Environment variables are specified in the values.yaml file and can be either secret (such as passwords) or open (for normal values). To convert a configuration item to an environment variable name, replace . with _ and add the prefix CONFIG_FORCE_.

# configuration item

# environment variable name

For example, you can set a custom "forgot password link" for the StackState login page:

        # Use 'secret:' to add configuration that should be stored as a secret

For the StackState api service, environment variables will override custom configuration set using config.

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