Script result: Streaming

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

Most API functions execute asynchronously. That means they won't directly return results. Some functions are dependent on the network or other resources to complete, therefore they can't immediately return results. Such asynchronous functions return an AsyncScriptResult. On top of that, some APIs can deal with large amounts of data, in which case we don't want to process all the data at once. Such APIs return a StreamingScriptResult, which allows for the result to be processed one element at a time.

Working with StreamingScriptResult.then

If the result of your script is returned as a StreamingScriptResult, StackState will produce an asynchronously executed stream of data. If you want to further process the data in the StreamingScriptResult, the .then method can be used.

The .then method expects a Groovy closure /( The closure will be executed for each element in the StreamingScriptResult. This lambda function can work with the element and returns a new list of items or a single new item.

For example:

streamingScriptResult = ScriptApi.streamingFn()
streamingScriptResult.then { result -> result.toString() }

The Groovy script above can be shortened to:

ScriptApi.streamingFn().then { it.toString() }

The it keyword is a default Groovy keyword that means you don't need to define a variable in which you receive your result. You might see this being used in our examples.


To avoid computations becoming too heavy, the StreamingScriptResult can't be chained with either AsyncScriptResult or StreamingScriptResult itself.

Collecting results

The StreamingScriptResult can be returned from a script, after which the script runtime will take care of collecting the results. This is the preferred way of using the StreamingScriptResult because it allows StackState to process data incrementally with constant memory. In exceptional cases, it can be useful to actually run a stream, such that all results are accessible. This can be achieved with the collectStream function.

Be careful collecting data from a stream with higher limits. This can cause memory pressure and the script to fail. It's always best not to collect the data and process the data in a streaming fashion.

For example:


Will result in an AsyncScriptResult with the streamed items in a list. If the limit is exceeded, the execution will fail. To avoid failing if the limit is reached, but still produce the maximum amount of results, collectStream takes a second parameter:

ScriptApi.streamingFn().collectStream(10, false)

See also

Last updated