How to make a multi-instance StackPack

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x

This documentation set explains how to make a StackPack that can be installed as multiple instances in StackState. Below you can find the introduction to this topic and the steps to get a multi-instance StackPack.

StackPacks can be developed to support multiple instances of the same StackPack. This approach is useful in situations when there is a need to monitor more than one environment within the same technology. Multi-instance support can be achieved by splitting template files of your StackPack and tweaking the provisioning script in a way that supports multiple instances by keeping information that's shared between StackPacks separated from the instance-specific template.

Multi-instance StackPack package looks a little different from a standard StackPack, as there are more than one template files:

    ├── provisioning
    │   ├── icons
    │   |   └── icon.png
    │   ├── scripts
    │   │     └── ExampleProvision.groovy
    │   └── templates
    │       ├── instance template.json.handlebar
    │       ├── shared template.json.handlebar
    │       └── application template.json.handlebar
    ├── resources
    │   ├── logo.png
    │   └──
    └── stackpack.conf

Steps to get a multi-instance StackPack:

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