Enable email event notifications

StackState Self-hosted v5.1.x


StackState can send an event notification by email whenever the health state of an entity or view changes. To enable email event notifications, the StackState configuration must include details of the SMTP server to use.

Configure an SMTP server to use for email event notifications

  1. Update the StackState configuration in values.yaml to include SMTP server details:

           config: |
               email {
                 properties {
                   "mail.smtp.auth" = "true"   # "true" when user/pass provided   
                   "mail.smtp.starttls.enable" = "false"   # use "true" for TLS
                 sender = "<EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS>"
                 server {
                   protocol = "smtp"
                   host =  "<SMTP_SERVER_HOST>"
                   port = 25
                   username = "XXX"      # optional
                   password = "XXX"      # optional
  2. Restart StackState to apply the configuration changes.

  3. You can manage the event handlers configured for a view in the StackState UI right panel View summary tab under Event handlers.

See also

Last updated