Slack notifications

StackState Self-hosted

SaaS users of StackState can use Slack notifications without extra configuration. This guide is only applicable for self-hosted StackState installations, that are planning to use the Slack notification channel.

Before you can use the Slack notification channel in StackState, you first need to follow the following steps to set up both Slack and StackState:

  1. Create a Slack app for StackState in your workspace

  2. Configure StackState with the credentials for that Slack app.

Creating a Slack app for StackState

You need to have the permissions in Slack to manage Slack apps for your workspace.

Go to the Slack API page and click on the Create New App button.

  • Select the "From an app manifest" option in the dialog that opens.

  • Select the workspace you want to send notifications to and click next.

  • Copy the contents of the Slack app manifest below and paste it into the text area. Make sure to replace the values in redirect_urls with the URL(s) of your StackState instance. Click next.

  • Verify that the URL is correct and that the "bot scopes" listed are channels:join, channels:read, chat:write, groups:read and click the create button to create the app.

  • On the "Basic information" page of the App it's possible to change the icon (in the Display information section), you can replace it with, for example, the StackState logo .

Slack app manifest for StackState
    "display_information": {
        "name": "StackState",
        "description": "Receive notification messages from StackState",
        "background_color": "#000000"
    "features": {
        "bot_user": {
            "display_name": "StackState",
            "always_online": true
    "oauth_config": {
        "redirect_urls": [
        "scopes": {
            "bot": [
    "settings": {
        "org_deploy_enabled": false,
        "socket_mode_enabled": false,
        "token_rotation_enabled": false

Configure StackState with the credentials for that Slack app

StackState needs to be configured with the credentials for the Slack app that you created. You can do this by adding the following to the values.yaml file of your StackState installation:

          CONFIG_FORCE_stackstate_notifications_channels_slack_authentication_clientId: "<app client id>"
          CONFIG_FORCE_stackstate_notifications_channels_slack_authentication_clientSecret: "<app client secret>"

The <app client id> and <app client secret> values can be found in the "App credentials" section on the "Basic Information" page of the Slack app you created. Apply these configuration changes by running the same Helm command used during installation of StackState (for Kubernetes or OpenShift).

You're now ready to use the Slack notification channel!

Last updated