Chart units
StackState v6.0
This page contains all units supported by charts. For every unit first the description of the unit is mentioned, followed by the name of the unit that should be used in the StackState APIs. For example to get a value displayed in "Scientific notation" use sci
as the value for the unit in a metric binding.
The rendering of the unit automatically adjusts to the size of the value. For example if the unit for a chart is bytes
the value is interpretted as bytes(IEC)
. A value of 100
will be rendered as 100B
, but a value of 5242880
) will be shown as 5MiB
None: none
String: string
Short: short
Percent (0-100): percent
Percent (0.0-1.0): percentunit
Humidity (%H): humidity
Decibel: dB
Hexadecimal (0x): hex0x
Hexadecimal: hex
Scientific notation: sci
Locale format: locale
Pixels: pixel
Meters/sec²: accMS2
Feet/sec²: accFS2
G unit: accG
Degrees (°): degree
Radians: radian
Gradian: grad
Arc Minutes: arcmin
Arc Seconds: arcsec
Square Meters (m²): areaM2
Square Feet (ft²): areaF2
Square Miles (mi²): areaMI2
FLOP/s: flops
MFLOP/s: mflops
GFLOP/s: gflops
TFLOP/s: tflops
PFLOP/s: pflops
EFLOP/s: eflops
ZFLOP/s: zflops
YFLOP/s: yflops
parts-per-million (ppm): ppm
parts-per-billion (ppb): conppb
nanogram per cubic meter (ng/m³): conngm3
nanogram per normal cubic meter (ng/Nm³): conngNm3
microgram per cubic meter (μg/m³): conμgm3
microgram per normal cubic meter (μg/Nm³): conμgNm3
milligram per cubic meter (mg/m³): conmgm3
milligram per normal cubic meter (mg/Nm³): conmgNm3
gram per cubic meter (g/m³): congm3
gram per normal cubic meter (g/Nm³): congNm3
milligrams per decilitre (mg/dL): conmgdL
millimoles per litre (mmol/L): conmmolL
Dollars ($): currencyUSD
Pounds (£): currencyGBP
Euro (€): currencyEUR
Yen (¥): currencyJPY
Rubles (₽): currencyRUB
Hryvnias (₴): currencyUAH
Real (R$): currencyBRL
Danish Krone (kr): currencyDKK
Icelandic Króna (kr): currencyISK
Norwegian Krone (kr): currencyNOK
Swedish Krona (kr): currencySEK
Czech koruna (czk): currencyCZK
Swiss franc (CHF): currencyCHF
Polish Złoty (PLN): currencyPLN
Bitcoin (฿): currencyBTC
Milli Bitcoin (฿): currencymBTC
Micro Bitcoin (฿): currencyμBTC
South African Rand (R): currencyZAR
Indian Rupee (₹): currencyINR
South Korean Won (₩): currencyKRW
Indonesian Rupiah (Rp): currencyIDR
Philippine Peso (PHP): currencyPHP
Vietnamese Dong (VND): currencyVND
bytes(IEC): bytes
bytes(SI): decbytes
bits(IEC): bits
bits(SI): decbits
kibibytes: kbytes
kilobytes: deckbytes
mebibytes: mbytes
megabytes: decmbytes
gibibytes: gbytes
gigabytes: decgbytes
tebibytes: tbytes
terabytes: dectbytes
pebibytes: pbytes
petabytes: decpbytes
Data rate
packets/sec: pps
bytes/sec(IEC): binBps
bytes/sec(SI): Bps
bits/sec(IEC): binbps
bits/sec(SI): bps
kibibytes/sec: KiBs
kibibits/sec: Kibits
kilobytes/sec: KBs
kilobits/sec: Kbits
mibibytes/sec: MiBs
mibibits/sec: Mibits
megabytes/sec: MBs
megabits/sec: Mbits
gibibytes/sec: GiBs
gibibits/sec: Gibits
gigabytes/sec: GBs
gigabits/sec: Gbits
tebibytes/sec: TiBs
tebibits/sec: Tibits
terabytes/sec: TBs
terabits/sec: Tbits
pibibytes/sec: PiBs
pibibits/sec: Pibits
petabytes/sec: PBs
petabits/sec: Pbits
Date & time
Datetime ISO: dateTimeAsIso
Datetime ISO (No date if today): dateTimeAsIsoNoDateIfToday
Datetime US: dateTimeAsUS
Datetime US (No date if today): dateTimeAsUSNoDateIfToday
Datetime local: dateTimeAsLocal
Datetime local (No date if today): dateTimeAsLocalNoDateIfToday
Datetime default: dateTimeAsSystem
From Now: dateTimeFromNow
Watt (W): watt
Kilowatt (kW): kwatt
Megawatt (MW): megwatt
Gigawatt (GW): gwatt
Milliwatt (mW): mwatt
Watt per square meter (W/m²): Wm2
Volt-ampere (VA): voltamp
Kilovolt-ampere (kVA): kvoltamp
Volt-ampere reactive (var): voltampreact
Kilovolt-ampere reactive (kVAr): kvoltampreact
Watt-hour (Wh): watth
Watt-hour per Kilogram (Wh/kg): watthperkg
Kilowatt-hour (kWh): kwatth
Kilowatt-min (kWm): kwattm
Ampere-hour (Ah): amph
Kiloampere-hour (kAh): kamph
Milliampere-hour (mAh): mamph
Joule (J): joule
Electron volt (eV): ev
Ampere (A): amp
Kiloampere (kA): kamp
Milliampere (mA): mamp
Volt (V): volt
Kilovolt (kV): kvolt
Millivolt (mV): mvolt
Decibel-milliwatt (dBm): dBm
Ohm (Ω): ohm
Kiloohm (kΩ): kohm
Megaohm (MΩ): Mohm
Farad (F): farad
Microfarad (µF): µfarad
Nanofarad (nF): nfarad
Picofarad (pF): pfarad
Femtofarad (fF): ffarad
Henry (H): henry
Millihenry (mH): mhenry
Microhenry (µH): µhenry
Lumens (Lm): lumens
Gallons/min (gpm): flowgpm
Cubic meters/sec (cms): flowcms
Cubic feet/sec (cfs): flowcfs
Cubic feet/min (cfm): flowcfm
Litre/hour: litreh
Litre/min (L/min): flowlpm
milliLitre/min (mL/min): flowmlpm
Lux (lx): lux
Newton-meters (Nm): forceNm
Kilonewton-meters (kNm): forcekNm
Newtons (N): forceN
Kilonewtons (kN): forcekN
Hash rate
hashes/sec: Hs
kilohashes/sec: KHs
megahashes/sec: MHs
gigahashes/sec: GHs
terahashes/sec: THs
petahashes/sec: PHs
exahashes/sec: EHs
milligram (mg): massmg
gram (g): massg
pound (lb): masslb
kilogram (kg): masskg
metric ton (t): masst
millimeter (mm): lengthmm
inch (in): lengthin
feet (ft): lengthft
meter (m): lengthm
kilometer (km): lengthkm
mile (mi): lengthmi
Millibars: pressurembar
Bars: pressurebar
Kilobars: pressurekbar
Pascals: pressurepa
Hectopascals: pressurehpa
Kilopascals: pressurekpa
Inches of mercury: pressurehg
PSI: pressurepsi
Becquerel (Bq): radbq
curie (Ci): radci
Gray (Gy): radgy
rad: radrad
Sievert (Sv): radsv
milliSievert (mSv): radmsv
microSievert (µSv): radusv
rem: radrem
Exposure (C/kg): radexpckg
roentgen (R): radr
Sievert/hour (Sv/h): radsvh
milliSievert/hour (mSv/h): radmsvh
microSievert/hour (µSv/h): radusvh
Rotational Speed
Revolutions per minute (rpm): rotrpm
Hertz (Hz): rothz
Radians per second (rad/s): rotrads
Degrees per second (°/s): rotdegs
Celsius (°C): celsius
Fahrenheit (°F): fahrenheit
Kelvin (K): kelvin
Hertz (1/s): hertz
nanoseconds (ns): ns
microseconds (µs): µs
milliseconds (ms): ms
seconds (s): s
minutes (m): m
hours (h): h
days (d): d
duration (ms): dtdurationms
duration (s): dtdurations
duration (hh:mm:ss): dthms
duration (d hh:mm:ss): dtdhms
Timeticks (s/100): timeticks
clock (ms): clockms
clock (s): clocks
counts/sec (cps): cps
ops/sec (ops): ops
requests/sec (rps): reqps
reads/sec (rps): rps
writes/sec (wps): wps
I/O ops/sec (iops): iops
counts/min (cpm): cpm
ops/min (opm): opm
reads/min (rpm): rpm
writes/min (wpm): wpm
meters/second (m/s): velocityms
kilometers/hour (km/h): velocitykmh
miles/hour (mph): velocitymph
knot (kn): velocityknot
millilitre (mL): mlitre
litre (L): litre
cubic meter: m3
Normal cubic meter: Nm3
cubic decimeter: dm3
gallons: gallons
Last updated