Grafana Datasource

Use StackState as a Grafana datasource

StackState can be used as a datasource for Grafana. This will allow to use Grafana as a visualization tool for your StackState data. This is useful if you already have some dashboards which you want to keep using. Because StackState exposes a Prometheus-compatible API, you can use the Prometheus datasource in Grafana to connect to StackState. This also makes StackState usable with other Prometheus-compatible solutions.


Before you can add StackState as a datasource in Grafana, you need to setup a ServiceToken to authenticate with StackState. StackState recommends to create a dedicated role with permissions for this purpose.

You can do this via the StackState CLI:

> sts rbac create-subject --subject grafana
✅ Created subject 'grafana'
> sts rbac grant --subject grafana --permission read-metrics
✅ Granted permission 'read-metrics' on 'system' to subject 'grafana'
read-metrics | system

This will create a new role in StackState called grafana and grant it the read-metrics permission. You can then create a ServiceToken for this role:

> sts service-token create --name grafana --roles grafana

Learn more about managing ServiceTokens.

The returned ServiceToken can be used to authenticate with StackState. You can now add StackState as a datasource in Grafana.

Create a new StackState datasource in Grafana

With the created ServiceToken, you can now add StackState as a datasource in Grafana. To do this, go to the Grafana UI and navigate to the datasource configuration page. Click on the Add data source button and select Prometheus from the list of datasources.

On the datasource configuration page, enter the following configuration details:

  • Name: StackState

  • URL: https://<tenant-name>

  • Custom HTTP Headers

    • Header: X-API-Key

    • Value: <service-token>

Click on the Save & Test button to save the datasource. If the configuration is correct, you should see a green Data source is working message.

Last updated