StackState curated integration

This page describes StackState v4.4.x.

The StackState 4.4 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.4 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.


Collect telemetry information with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) from Windows applications and servers.


StackState Agent for Windows collects telemetry information from Windows by querying WMI. Metrics obtained from the defined WMI queries are collected periodically. Multiple WMI queries can be defined. Collected WMI metrics are sent to StackState and can be used as metric streams.



After installing the StackState Agent for Windows, the integration can be configured. The integration is included in the StackState Agent for Windows, no additional installation steps are required. The WMI integration has to be configured.


The WMI integration can be enabled and configured via the StackState Agent Manager. Opening the StackState Agent Manager can be done by, in PowerShell:

PS> & 'C:\Program Files\StackState\StackState Agent\embedded\agent.exe' launch-gui

The integration can be enabled via the StackState Agent Manager:

  1. open Checks, Manage checks,

  2. select in the drop-down Add a check,

  3. add wmi_check.

After the integration is enabled WMI queries can be defined in the integrations configuration yaml file, i.e. wmi_check.d/conf.yaml. Multiple WMI queries can be configured. In the configuration file, an instance can be configured which represents a WMI query. An instance is defined by the following fields:




The WMI class to use in the query.



The metrics that need to be collected. This is in format [WMI property name, metric name, metric type]. The WMI property name is the property to be collected, metric name is the metric name reported to StackState, and metric type is the metric's type.



Adds the properties value as tag to the metric that is send to StackState.



Add customer tags to the metric that is send to StackState.



WMI query filter to reduce the amount of metrics returned.



Periodicity of executing the WMI query, in seconds. Default is once per 15 seconds.

Example instance:

  - min_collection_interval: 120
    class: Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases
      - [ActiveTransactions, sql.server.connections.active, gauge]
    tag_by: Name
      - "database:test_db"
      - Name: test_db

Restart the StackState Agent after making changes to the WMI integration's configuration.

Reference: the integration's configuration file is located at C:\ProgramData\StackState\conf.d\wmi_check.d\.


The Status page in the StackState Agent Manager provides insight into the operational status of the configurated WMI queries/instances.

It is possible to invoke the WMI integration to verify whether the configured WMI queries/instances telemetry is being retrieved and collected by the StackState Agent for Windows. To invoke, in PowerShell:

PS> & 'C:\Program Files\StackState\StackState Agent\embedded\agent.exe' check wmi_check

Refer to the log file for more information. The log file is located at C:\ProgramData\StackState\logs\agent.log.

Last updated