StackState Agent

This page describes StackState version 4.1.

The StackState 4.1 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.1 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is the Agent StackPack?

The StackState Agent provides the following functionality:

  • Reporting hosts, processes and containers

  • Reporting all network connections between processes/containers including network traffic telemetry

  • Telemetry for hosts, processes, and containers

  • 100+ additional integrations

The StackState Agent is open source and available on github at

Supported configurations

The StackState Agent is supported on the following platforms:


Install the StackState Agent with one of the following commands:


Using cURL

curl -o- | \
    STS_API_KEY="{{config.apiKey}}" \
    STS_URL="{{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent" bash

Using wget

wget -qO- | \
    STS_API_KEY="{{config.apiKey}}" \
    STS_URL="{{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent" bash

Linux offline installation

On your host, download the installation script from

By default, installer tries to configure the package update channel, which would allow to update packages using the host package manager. If you for any reason do not want this behavior, please include STS_INSTALL_NO_REPO=yes as an environment parameter:

STS_API_KEY="{{config.apiKey}}" \
    STS_URL="{{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent" \


Using PowerShell

. { iwr -useb } | iex; `
install -stsApiKey "{{config.apiKey}}" `
-stsUrl "{{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent"

Windows offline installation

On your host, download a copy of the PowerShell script from alongside with the agent installer in the form .msi. The latest version of the installer can be downloaded from

Assuming your installer is saved as C:\stackstate-custom.msi, and the PowerShell script saved as C:\install_script.ps1, open PowerShell with elevated privileges and invoke the following set of commands:

Import-Module C:\install_script.ps1
install -stsApiKey {{config.apiKey}} `
-stsUrl {{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent `
-f C:\\stackstate-custom.msi



To run the StackState Agent as a docker container, use the following configuration:

    network_mode: "host"
    pid: "host"
    privileged: true
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
      - "/proc/:/host/proc/:ro"
      - "/sys/fs/cgroup/:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro"
      - "/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro"
      - "/sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug"
      STS_STS_URL: "https://your.stackstate.url/receiver/stsAgent"
      STS_PROCESS_AGENT_URL: "https://your.stackstate.url/receiver/stsAgent"
      STS_APM_URL: "https://your.stackstate.url/receiver/stsAgent"
      STS_APM_ENABLED: "true"
      HOST_PROC: "/host/proc"
      HOST_SYS: "/host/sys"

Using Docker-Swarm mode

To run the StackState Agent in Docker-Swarm mode as a docker-compose setup, use the above configuration in your compose file on each node where you want to run the Agent. After placing the compose file on each node, run the command docker-compose up -d.

Limitation of Docker-Swarm mode

Some specific features are not supported in Docker-Swarm mode. This limitation prevents StackState Agent from collecting relations between Containers, Processes and other resources while in Docker-Swarm mode. To run StackState Agent in Docker-Swarm mode, use a docker-compose setup.

Using Self-Signed Certificate

When checks are being configured to use a self-signed certificate for https requests, then the following environment variable should be overwritten:


Advanced Configurations

Process reported by the StackState Agent can be filtered using a blacklist. Using it in conjunction with the inclusion rules will include otherwise excluded processes.

Certain features of the agent can be turned off if not needed:


To troubleshoot the StackState Agent container, set the logging level to debug using the STS_LOG_LEVEL environment variable:


Configuration files

  • StackState Agent configuration: /etc/stackstate-agent/stackstate.yaml

  • Integration configurations: /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/


Try running the status command to see the state of the StackState Agent.

Log files

Logs for the subsystems are in the following files:


Start / stop / restart the StackState Agent

  • Commands require elevated privileges.

  • Restarting the StackState Agent will reload the configuration files.

To manually start, stop or restart the StackState Agent:

sudo service stackstate-agent start
sudo service stackstate-agent stop
sudo service stackstate-agent restart

Status and information

To check if the StackState Agent is running and receive information about the Agent's state:

sudo service stackstate-agent status

Tracebacks for errors can be retrieved by setting the -v flag:

sudo service stackstate-agent status -v

Last updated