Installing StackState on Kubernetes (beta)


This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

StackState can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster via Helm charts provided by StackState. These charts have been tested and are compatible with Kubernetes 1.15.x (tested on Amazon EKS and Azure AKS) and Helm 3.

For a list of all docker images used see the image overview.

Node sizing

For the standard deployment with the helm chart StackState will deploy storage services in a redundant setup with 3 instances of each service. The nodes for different environments:

  • Virtual machines: 6 nodes with 16GB memory, 4 vCPUs

  • Amazon EKS: 6 instances of type m5.xlarge or m4.xlarge

  • Azure AKS: 6 instances of type D4s v3 or D4as V4 (Intel or AMD cpu's)


StackState uses persistent volume claims for the services that need to store data. The default storage class for the cluster will be used for all services unless this is overriden via values specified on the command line or a values.yaml file. All services come with a pre-configured volume size that should get you started, but can be customized via variables as well.

The storage docs page goes into more details on the defaults used.


By default the helm chart will deploy a router pod and service. This services port 8080 is the only entrypoint that needs to be exposed via ingress. Without configuring ingress you can access StackState by forwarding this port like this:

kubectl port-forward service/<helm-release-name>-distributed-router 8080:8080

When configuring ingress make sure to allow for large request body sizes (50MB) that may be sent occasionally by data sources like the stackstate agent or the aws integration.

For more details on configuring ingress have a look at the ingress docs.


Before starting

To be able to pull the StackState Docker images, please request access credentials from StackState support.

To install StackState Helm needs to know about the helm repository of StackState. Do this with these 2 commands:

helm repo add stackstate
helm repo update

Deploying StackState

Start by creating the namespace where you want to install stackstate (for the example we'll assume that is stackstate) and deploy the secret in that namespace:

kubectl create namespace stackstate

If you didn't before run helm repo update to make sure the latest helm chart version is used. Installation can now be started. For the production setup the default should be good (i.e. redundant storage services). It is possible to create smaller deployments for test setups, see the test environment deployments.

First generate a values.yaml containing your license key, api key etc. Store it somewhere safe so that it can be reused for upgrades. This saves some work on upgrades but more importantly StackState will keep using the same api key which is desirable because then agents and other data providers for StackState don't need to be updated.

Generate it with the script in the installation directory of the helm chart. When run without any arguments it will guide you through the process of installing StackState with a few simple questions. Specifying the -n switches it to non-interactive mode requiring all required arguments are passed on the command line (useful for scripting).

To get started run it like this:


The script requires the following input:

  • base url (-b): The external URL for StackState that users and agents will use to connect with it: https://<stackstate-hostname>. For example https://stackstate.internal. If you don't know this yet, because you haven't decided on an ingress configuration yet, you can start with http://localhost:8080 and later update it in the generated values.yaml

  • image pull username and password (-u , -p): The username and password provided by StackState to pull images from repositories

  • license key (-l): The StackState license key

  • admin api password (-d): The password for the admin api, this api contains system maintenance functionality and should only be accessible by the maintainers of the StackState installation (you can also omit it from the command line, the script will ask for it in that case)

  • default password (-d): The password for the default user (admin) to access StackState's UI (you can also omit it from the command line, the script will ask for it in that case)

  • should the StackState k8s agent be installed automatically (interactively a yes/no question, also enabled when specifying -k): StackState has built-in support (via the Kubernetes StackPack) for Kubernetes that can be automatically enabled, see this section.

  • the Kubernetes cluster name (-k): When enabling automatic Kubernetes support StackState will use this name to identify the cluster, for more details see this section. In non-interactive mode specifying -k will specify the cluster name and at the same time enable the Kubernetes support.

Use the generated values.yaml file to deploy the latest StackState version to the stackstate namespace run the following command:

helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --namespace stackstate \
  --values values.yaml \
stackstate \

When all pods are up you can enable a port-forward with kubectl port-forward service/stackstate-router 8080:8080 and open StackState in your browser under https://localhost:8080. Log in with the username admin and the default password provided in the previous steps. Next steps are to configure ingress, install a StackPack or two and to give your co-workers access.

Automatic Kubernetes support

StackState has built-in support for Kubernetes via the Kubernetes StackPack. To get started quickly the StackState installation can automate the installation of this StackPack and the required agent instalation, but only for the cluster StackState itself will be installed on. This is not required and can always be done later via the StackPacks page of StackState for StackState's cluster or any other Kuberenetes cluster.

The only required information is a name for the Kubernetes cluster that will distinguish it for the other Kubernetes clusters monitored by StackState. A good choice usually is the same name that is used in the kube context configuration. This will then automatically install the StackPack and install a Daemonset for the agent and a deployment for the so called cluster agent. For the full details please read the Kubernetes StackPack.

Further customizations

On the readme of the chart the possible customizations are documented. For example it is possible to customize the tolerations and nodeSelectors for each of the components.

Changing configuration

For Stackstate server the Helm chart has a value to drop in custom configuration, this is especially convenient for customizing authentication. An example to set a different "forgot password link" (for the StackState login page):

      config: |
        stackstate.api.authentication.forgotPasswordLink = ""

The configuration from this value will be available to StackState as its configuration file in HOCON format. This is the advised way to override the default configuration that StackState ships with.

For all of the StackState services (receiver, k2es-*, correlation, server) it is possible to change settings via environment variables. For server these will override even the customizations done via the config value. The environment variables can be provided via the helm chart, both for secret settings (passwords for example) and normal values. Here an example that changes both the default password and again the "forgot password link". To convert it to an environment variable . are replaced by _ and a prefix CONFIG_FORCE_ is added. Now it can be set via values.yaml:

        # Use 'secret' instead of open for things that should be stored as a secret
          CONFIG_FORCE_stackstate_api_authentication_forgotPasswordLink: ""

For details on the naming of all the different services in the StackState Helm chart see its readme. For another examle have a look at the next section about authentication settings.

Configuring authentication and authorization

The supported authentication mechanisms for StackState are discussed here in more detail. To keep using configuration file based authentication but change the users here is an example to have 2 users, admin-demo and guest-demo, with the 2 default roles available, the md5 hash still needs to be generated and put in the example.

      config: |
        stackstate.api.authentication.authServer.stackstateAuthServer {
          logins = [
            { username = "admin-demo", password: "<md5-hash>", roles = ["stackstate-admin"] }
            { username = "guest-demo", password: "<md5-hash>", roles = ["stackstate-guest"] }

Here the custom config file is used for configuration, to do this with environment variables would be very cumbersome. This same approach can be used to, for example, to switch to LDAP based authentication as discussed in the authentication docs.


For upgrading the same command can be used as for the first time installation. Do check the release notes and any optional upgrade notes before running the upgrade.


Several mechanisms can be used for backups. When running in EKS or AKS the easiest setup is to periodically make snapshots of all the volumes attached to the StackState processes (i.e. in the same namespace). A tool that can automate this for you is Velero.

Next to this StackState has the ability to export its configuration. This configuration can then be imported again at a later time, in a clean StackState instance or it can be used as a starting point to setup a new StackState environment. The most convenient way to create an export and later ipmort it again is to use the stackstate cli import and export commands.

Exporting is as simple as running sts-cli graph export stackstate_settings.stj. Importing of an export can be done with the cli as well but is only adviced on an empty StackState (a new deployment). If it is not empty it will very likely fail. To import run this command cat stackstate_settings.stj | sts-cli graph import.

Development / test environment deployments

The standard deployment is a production ready setup with many processes running multiple replicas. For development and testing it can be desirable to run StackState with lower resource requirements. For that purpose several example values.yaml files are provided in the helm chart repository:

  • test_values.yaml that sets the replica count for all services to 1, this effectively reduces the number of required nodes from 6 to 3.

  • micro_test_values.yaml goes even further and also reduces the memory footprint of most services, thereby making it possible to run StackState within about 16GB of memory.

Note that the generated values.yaml should also still be included on the helm command line, e.g.:

helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --namespace stackstate \
  --values values.yaml \
  --values test_values.yaml \
stackstate \

WARNING: Both the test and micro test deployment are not suitable for bigger workloads and are not supported for production usage.

Last updated