
Installing StackState.

This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Choosing your installation type

StackState can be installed either with linux packages on one or two linux machines or with Helm on a Kubernetes cluster (in beta). The former is discussed in the remainder of this document, for the latter see Kubernetes installation.

Before setting up StackState on one or two linux machine, you need to choose whether you want to run StackState in development, POC, or production mode.

  • Development requires only one machine, but will be limited to 1000 components/relations per view, due to the limited setup. This is recommended for small trials.

  • POC setup is used for bigger installations, giving almost the same power as production, but is not suited for processing perpetual data streams.

  • Production is used when bringing StackState to production or when the other environments are too limiting.


Before starting the installation, ensure your system(s) meet StackState's installation requirements.


There is an RPM package available that provides easy installation and upgrade of StackState on Fedora, Red Hat or CentOS. For Debian and Ubuntu there is a DEB package available. Packages can be obtained from our distribution website.


StackState supports three different installation configurations:


To upgrade your StackState installation, see the instructions in our upgrading guide.


StackState provides Role Based Access Control functionality that works with LDAP authentication servers. See RBAC pages for more information on the topic. You can also find how to configure LDAP servers here.

StackState also supports authentication against a KeyCloak OIDC Authentication server. You can read how to configure this here.


If you have any issues installing StackState, refer to our troubleshooting guide or contact our technical support.

Last updated