This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is the SAP StackPack?

The SAP StackPack is used to create a near real time synchronization with your SAP system and also pulls the metrics from it. The components supported are:

  • SAP Host

  • SAP Host instance

  • SAP Process

  • SAP Database

  • SAP Database Component


The following prerequisites need to be met:

  • StackState Agent V2 must be installed on a single machine which can connect to SAP Instance and StackState. (See the StackState Agent V2 StackPack for more details)

  • A SAP instance must be running.

Enabling the SAP check

To enable the SAP check which collects the data from SAP host instance:

Edit the conf.yaml file in your agent /etc/stackstate-agent/conf.d/sap.d directory, replacing <sap_host_name> and <sap_host_url> with the unique name of SAP host to identify and URL to connect from your SAP instance.

To Connect to your SAP System, there are 2 ways to do so as explained below:

1. HTTP Basic Authentication Mechanism

This mechanism allows you to connect just using the username and password inside the conf.yaml.

As an example, see the below config :

# Section used for global SAP check config
init_config: {}

    - host: TEST-01         # <sap_host_name>
      url: http://test-01   # <sap_host_url>   
      user: test            # <username>
      pass: test            # <password>

NOTE - Make sure while using this mechanism, you have put http in the url of the config.

2. Client Certificate Authentication Mechanism

This mechanism allows you to connect using the client certificate and the private key. The following new parameters are available :

  • verify - True or False depending on verifying the client certificate or not. By default, it's True.

  • cert - path containing the client side certificate

  • keyfile - path containing the private key for certificate

As an example, see the below config :

# Section used for global SAP check config
init_config: {}

    - host: TEST-01             # <sap_host_name>
      url: https://test-01      # <sap_host_url>   
      user: test                # <username>
      pass: test                # <password>
      verify: False
      cert: /path/to/cert.pem   # <certificate_path>
      keyfile: /path/to/key.pem # <keyfile_path>

NOTE - Make sure while using this mechanism, you have put https in the url of the config.

Once the configuration changes are done as explained above, restart the StackState Agent(s) using the following command.

sudo /etc/init.d/stackstate-agent restart

Once the Agent is restarted, wait for the Agent to collect the data and send it to StackState.


The SAP StackPack is open-source and can be found on StackState's github page.

Last updated