
This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is the Nagios StackPack?

The Nagios StackPack allows StackState to connect to Nagios. We support the Nagios version 5.x onwards.

Using this StackPack, you can:

  • map Nagios alerts onto your topology


The following prerequisites need to be met:

  • StackState Agent V2 must be installed on a single machine which can connect to Nagios and StackState. (See the StackState Agent V2 StackPack for more details)

  • A Nagios instance must be running.


The Nagios StackPack requires the following parameters to collect the topology information :

  • Nagios HostName -- the Nagios HostName from which topology need to be collected.

NOTE - Make sure once Nagios is installed properly, you configure your hostname and rename from localhost to proper fully qualified domain name.

Enabling Nagios check

To enable the Nagios check which collects the data from Nagios instance:

Edit the nagios.yaml file in your API-Integration Agent conf.d directory, replacing <nagios_conf_path> with the information from your Nagios instance.

# Section used for global Nagios check config
# check_freq: 15 # default is 15

  - nagios_conf: <nagios_conf_path> # /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
    # collect_events: True                   # default is True
    # passive_checks_events: True            # default is False
    # collect_host_performance_data: True    # default is False
    # collect_service_performance_data: True # default is False

With the default configuration, the Nagios check doesn’t collect any metrics. But if you set collect_host_performance_data and/or collect_service_performance_data to True, the check watches for Nagios metrics data and sends those to StackState.

To publish the configuration changes, restart the StackState API-Integration Agent using below command.

sudo /etc/init.d/stackstate-agent restart

Once the API-Integration Agent is restarted, wait for the Agent to collect the data and send it to StackState.

Last updated