Preparing a multi-instance provisioning script

This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

A multi-instance StackPack requires a provisioning script that is able to provision multiple StackPack instances. To achieve that, you need to provide a separate template file in the context for both stackPack and instance; stackPack needs to be provided with the shared-template.stj, and instance requires the instance-template.stj as in the example below:

Please note that instance-template.stj has some instance specific information, like topicName, instanceId and anything else defined in templateArguments, while shared-template passes without any specifics ([:]).

import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningScript
import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningContext
import com.stackstate.stackpack.ProvisioningIO
import com.stackstate.stackpack.Version

class Provision extends ProvisioningScript {

  Provision(ProvisioningContext context) {

  ProvisioningIO<scala.Unit> install(Map<String, Object> config) {
    def instance_url = instanceURL(config)
    def templateArguments = [
                'topicName': topicName(config),
                'instance_url': instance_url,
                'instanceId': context().instance().id()

    return context().stackPack().importSnapshot("templates/shared-template.stj", [:]) >>
           context().instance().importSnapshot("templates/instance-template.stj", templateArguments)

  ProvisioningIO<scala.Unit> upgrade(Map<String, Object> config, Version current) {
    return install(config)

  void waitingForData(Map<String, Object> config) {
    context().sts().onDataReceived(topicName(config), {

  private def topicName(Map<String, Object> exampleConfig) {
    def instance_url = exampleConfig.test_instance_url
    def topic = instance_url.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_")
    return context().sts().createTopologyTopicName("example", topic)

  private def instanceURL(Map<String, Object> exampleConfig) {
      def url = exampleConfig.test_instance_url
      def instance_url = ''
      if (url.startsWith('http') || url.startsWith('https')){
        instance_url = url.split("//")[1].split("/")[0]
        instance_url = url.split("/")[0]
      return instance_url


The last step is to prepare a StackPack .sts package and upload it to StackState.

Last updated