Script API: UI

Functions that control the user-interface.

This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

These functions only work in the context of scripts that are executed by a user from the user-interface. Component actions are an example of scripts that can trigger actions in the user-interface.

Function: showReport

Shows a report in the user-interface. The user-interface will open a dialog with the report in it. You can also see the result of these reports in the preview of the analytics environment.


  • reportName - Name of the report. In a dialog with the report, the name of the report will be in the title bar.

  • stmlContent - The report markup. See StackState Markup Language for more information on how to format a report.

  • Optional data - A map with data elements that can be referenced by the STML.

Return type:

  • Async: ShowStmlReport


The following example will show a nice shopping list report:

    "My shopping list",
    """# To buy
    | Bring *report*.
    |  * Apples
    |  * Oranges

Please note the .stripMargin() call. This is a Groovy function for strings that strips leading whitespace/control characters followed by '|' from every line. This way indenting can be retained without introducing leading whitespace in the STML.

Function: showTopologyByQuery

Sets the user-interface to the topology perspective and changes the SQTL query.

If the user is currently in an unsaved view, the user receives a prompt dialog asking whether they are okay in navigating to another part of the topology. If the user continues the action they will loose their current view.


  • query - STQL query that selects what part of the topology is shown.

Return type:

  • Async: ShowTopologyByQuery


Redirects the user-interface to show the Azure topology.

UI.showTopologyByQuery('domain IN ("Azure")')

Function: redirectToURL

Opens a new tab in the user's browser to some URL.


  • url - the URL to redirect the browser to.

Return type:

  • Async: URLRedirectResponse


Open the website in a new tab in the browser.


Last updated