Script API: Prediction

Functions for predicting data available in StackState.

This page describes StackState version 4.0.

The StackState 4.0 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.0 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

Function: predictMetrics

Predict metrics for any metric query coming from any data source.


  • predictorName - name of prediction preset. Current available predictors: linear, hmn and fft.

  • horizon - how much future to predict. The horizon is specified in the duration format.

  • query - what metrics to use for the prediction. The query can be created using the Telemetry.query() function followed by .compileQuery(). The telemetry query has to return metrics.

Builder methods:

  • predictionPoints(points: Int) - the number of points to the horizon.

  • includeHistory(start?: Instant, end?: Instant) - call this builder method to include the result of the query in the return value. Optionally a start and end can be added to limit the included history using the instant format. When not specifying the start and end the whole history will be included.

Return type:

A PredictionResponse, which contains the following fields:


  • PredictionResponse.request - the request made to the prediction API of type PredictionRequest.

  • PredictionResponse.history - optional, the history used for prediction of type MetricTelemetry. Empty if .includeHistory() was not used.

  • PredictionResponse.prediction - the predicted metrics.

The PredictionRequest type has the following fields:

  • PredictionRequest.query - the query provided to predictMetrics.

  • PredictionRequest.predictor - the name and configuration of the predictor.

  • PredictionRequest.horizon - the prediction horizon.

  • PredictionRequest.predictionPointCount - the number of predicted points.

  • PredictionRequest.historyResponse - options of the history response.

The MetricTelemetry has the following fields:

  • - the two dimensional array with values and time stamps.


Predict 8 points of disk utilization for myHost for the next four hours based on the last four weeks of data:

Prediction.predictMetrics("linear", "4h",
    Telemetry.query("MyDatasource", 'host="myHost" and name="diskutil"')

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